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Okay, i feel like it is necessary that I add this little piece of information to my readers.

This story is going to be very dark and a lot of characters you love will die, but every death, every birth, every added character happens for a reason. Everything that happens in this story is planned.

I know where this story is going and I have it planned out in my mind. There will be:
• Shock twists.
• Deaths.
• Betrayal.

So if you don't like dark stories with deaths and betrayal and hatrid, I suggest you don't read this story. Even though I love people reading my stories, I don't love people complaining about it being unfair or unexpected.

Only I know where this story will end. And only I know who will live and who won't. So please respect my choices and decisions in this story, because I could just kill everyone. And it is very possible I may do that, even though its highly unlikely. I don't mean to offend any of you! Just please respect my choices because at the end of the day, this is my story.

Love you xxx

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