Chapter 31

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Four days. It has been four days since Hermione was put in the muggle hospital. I plan on sending her to St Mungos as soon as the doctors know what is wrong with my wife. The beats of Hermione's heart are steady through the machine, even though they are dull.

The doctors have been doing many scans on her and the days have been long. I am yet to contact Minerva about Hermione, but as soon as the information has been received I will. I sip at my nasty tasting coffee, as I sit in the corridor. I lean my head against the wall as I await a doctor to give me permission to see my wife.

A women with graying hair and a calm face walks up to me. "Are you Mr Snape?" She asks. I nod slowly. "You have been granted permission to visit Mrs Snape but her doctors want you out by 6pm." I thank the lady before glance at the clock. 4pm. I have two hours.

I slowly stand slowly and walk towards the door. Before I turn the handle I take a deep breath. I quietly open the door and gaze unhappily at Hermione's unconscious body.

"Hi Mione," I smile softly dragging a chair to the side of her bed. "I hope you aren't in any pain. The doctors told me a few days ago that you might be able to hear me. I miss you Hermione, and I don't know what to do without you." I take her hand in mine. I look up, blinking the water from my eyes.

"I haven't told the kids yet, I don't want to distract them from their education. But I want you to know that I love you Hermione, and I will love you always. I need you with me right now. I need you to come back to me." Tears slide down my face as I press a kiss to Hermione's hand before studying her face. Her lips are not blue as they were when I found her. She looks like she is peaceful and asleep, and for a moment I believe it. But I know she isn't asleep. And she may be peaceful but I am dying without her by my side.

There is a knock on the door before it slowly opens and Hermione's doctor pops his head in."Hello Mr Snape," he smiles kindly at me.

"Hi," I say, forcing a half smile.

"I was wondering if you would perhaps speak to me inside my office. We have found some information about Mrs Snape's condition." I stand quickly before pressing my lips to my wife's forehead.

I follow the doctor, who's name I have forgotten, down the endless maze of corridors. My heart thuds nervously in my chest and I cannot help but grow anxious about what I am to be told.

The doctor leads me into a room with pale blue walls. He sits behind his desk and I take the seat across from him. His face suddenly turns solemn which makes me even more nervous.

"We have been doing a number of scans on the brain of Mrs Snape. We have found a very large tumor on the right side of her brain," my gut drops with every word that he says and I can feel the pain seeping through my body. "It appears that these tumors are cancerous..." My mind goes blank and I cannot hear a word. A sob breaks through my lips and I crumble onto the floor. My chest caves around me and I find myself gasping for air as I cry.

Cancerous. Tumor. Mrs Snape. Hermione. My poor Hermione. What the hell is happening?

"Mr Snape, Mrs Snape was informed about this tumor when she was pregnant with her last child. She knew that it was growing at an extraordinary rate. I am so sorry but there is nothing we can do."


I stumble through the front door of my home in Spinners End. My eyes are fogged with tears. Tumor. Cancerous. She knew. Rage flows through me at the thought of Hermione knowing about the tumor and not mentioning it to me.

I storm through the house, anger pulsing through my veins. I grab the closest thing to me, which is an old vase, and throw it at the wall across the room. It smashes loudly. I take the coffee table in the lounge and flip it, causing paper to scatter across the floor. I scream as I throw another vase at the wall. Tears are pouring out of my eyes and I cannot stand the pain.

I soon crumble again to the floor, and cry loudly. Screams of anger and pain slip out of my mouth and I grasp at my chest, wishing the feeling of my broken heart would go away.

Hermione is dying and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

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