Chapter 15!

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I walk towards him in the corridor and when our eyes meet I smile. His eyes light up as we walks towards me. I fling my arms around his neck as he holds onto my waist, I take a deep breathe before pulling away to look into his stormy grey eyes. "I missed you," I whisper.

"I missed you too," he whispers. I lean up and press my lips to his cheek.

"Will you attend the ball with me?" I ask, smiing slightly.

"Of course I will," Marvolo smiles. "I cannot wait for them to announce the champions tomorrow night." 

"Same here," I say. "I wonder who will the Hogwarts champion."

"Hopefully it'll be a Slytherin," Marvolo says. I laugh and shake my head. "What? I think we are the onl house that deserve to be in it. I mean, who else would be brave enough to attend."

"Would you if you could?" I ask.

"Of course I would," Marvolo whispers, his eys alight. "Who wouldn't? I mean eternal glory, bag loads of money and the pride, who wouldn't want that?"

"Did you try to put your name in?"

"No way. I wouldn't put my name in unless I was of age. I mean, sure I break alot of rules, but i would want to win it fairly," Marvolo says slinging his arm over my shoulder. "I'm starving. Let's go eat." 

We walk together through the halls, and I laugh everytime Marvolo's stomach grumbles. When we reach the Great Hall, he pull me in. Filling his plate he digs in while I stare across the hall at the Gryffindor side of the room. The boy with the bright hair, Teddy Lupin, sits there alone, rubbing his arms and continues to shake. I slowly stand and walk across the hall towards the boy. I sit beside him, ignoring the questioning Gryffindors. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm so cold," he says, looking up at me with tear-stained cheeks. I notice how skinny he is and quickly take my jumper off, and I gently put it on him. He smiles slightly at me. 

"Are you hungry?" I ask. He nods. "When was the last time you ate?"

"I don't know."

"Why haven't you been eating?" I ask.

"Everyone was bullying on me because my parents are dead and they set fire to all my jumpers and blankets," he says, tears rolling down his cheeks. 

"Teddy you need to eat," I whisper softly. I grab a bowl and fill it with steaming pumkin soup. I take a spoon and slowly raise it to the boys mouth. He opens it and i tip the contents in his mouth. "Is that better?" The boy nods, so I give him another spoonful.

"Thank-you," he whispers when he finishes the bowl.

"Would you like to stay in my common room and I'll get my brother to get you some warm clothes?" Teddy nods, so i help him out of his chair and I wrap my arm around my waist, pulling him out of the Great Hall. We run into Ryder on the way towards the Common Room. "Ryder can you go get some of your warm clothes?" I say to him. With one look at the struggling Gryffindor he nods before rushing down the hallways. "Are you okay Teddy?"

"Yes," he says. When we get to the Common Room, Ryder is setting up the couch with pillows and blankets in front of the fire. We help Teddy change his clothes before tucking him into the couch-bed and pulling the blankets up to his chin. When Teddy has fallen asleep, I grab out a quill and peice of parchment and write two letters. One to my parents and the other to Draco Malfoy, who is a friend of my fathers and I know he was related to Teddy's mother.

Dear Mum and Dad,
How have you both been? I am going to the Ball with Marvolo Riddle. Do you guys know Teddy Lupin? Well he is a Gryffindor and all the ther students have been bullying his because his parents died. At dinner he was sitting by himself and was freezing cold because apparently all the other boys set fire to his clothes and blankets. He wasn't eating so I am trying my best to help him. He is staying with me in Slytherin tonight, and tomorrow I will go talk to Professor McGonagall. 

A Love Story Gone Wrong (Snamione Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora