Chapter 37

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| | Harry | |

What. The. Fuck? Hermione Granger has moved in with the Malfoys? Because of Katherine Rose? Who in the bloody hell is Katherine Rose? Could it... Did they have another child? Merlin. Could the world become anymore messed up?

| | Ronald | |

So, Hermione Granger moved in the the Malfoys. I totally saw that happening. I mean you can't be married to one death Eater without befriending all death Eaters. And Katherine Rose must be their newest spawn. Eww. Hermione left Hogwarts to become a human incubator for Snape. They can't even love each other.

| | Severus | |

I smile down at Hermione's sleeping form. I am so in love with her. I leave the room, heading towards The Dark Lords office where we called me to when I awoke. I knock on the door which slams open, and Tom Riddle sits behind his desk. I walk in and stand before my master, the door slamming behind me.

"My lord," I bow my head politely. "You wished to see me."

"Yes Severus. I have a question for you," he smiles slightly at me, and instantly I am curious.

"Anything my Lord," I say.

"Serenity, Ryder and Marvolo. Is there anyway we can get them out off Hogwarts Before Holidays begin?" I frown, thinking about his question.

"There would have to be away," I nod. "May I ask why?"

"Well Severus," Riddles smile grows more. "I am going to avenge my own death." He wants to avenge his own death? Harry!!

"You wish to kill Harry Potter?" I ask.

"I do not only wish to kill him. I want to destroy him and everything he was worked for in the pathetic life he has lived," Riddles eyes flash with anger.

"I will try to get the children out of Hogwarts as soon as possible my lord," I smile at him. Finally, I can get my freedom back! I stand and leave the room, to find Hermione standing down the hall, a mortified expression on her face.

Before she can open her mouth I grab her arm and drag her upstairs into the bedroom, with a hand over her mouth. She mumbles words against my hand and pushes me away once we are behind the closed door.

"He wants to kill Harry?" She gasps. "I have to warn him." She runs to get a quill and parchment.

"Hermione stop!" I yell causing Hermione to finally look at me. "You are on our side now. Not Harry's. Not Rons. Our side. If you told Harry, you would be acting in betrayal which would call for an execution. I will not allow that to happen Hermione." I slowly walk up to her and put take the objects out of her hand, dropping them onto the floor. "I love you Hermione. But you need to remember the mark."

"He is my best friend Severus," Hermione's eyes begin to water. "I cannot stand around whilst everyone plots his death."

"I don't expect you to," I say holding her against my chest. "I want you to figure out a way to get Serenity, Ryder and Marvolo out of the school."

"There's going to be another war, isn't there?" Hermione places her forehead on my chest. "I didn't want this life for our children."

"Nor did I Hermione," I kiss the crown of her head. "But there is no love without war."


| | Third Person | |

Hermione was at Hogwarts my noon. She greeted Professor McGonagall. They caught up on old times and Hermione spoke about Katherine, her miracle child. When she brought up the three children, Minerva was confused, wondering why they needed to be taken out. Hermione lied about how they were going on a trip to Spain for the holidays and they weren't able to leave during the holidays and the only way to go was if they left the next day. Minerva accepted the lie and called upon the children.

Severus and Riddle planned hard about how they could take down the boy who lived. They planned for hours, but they couldn't come up with any good ideas. Riddle grew aggravated and stormed out of the room, leaving Severus to his own thoughts. This is the only way to get rid of Lily for good. Severus' attention gets drain to laughter coming from the lounge. He wipes the sweat off his forehead before exiting the room.

"Dad!" A girl with pitch black hair runs into the arms of her father, burrowing her face in his neck.

"Hi Serenity," Severus pulls his daughter close. "I've missed you baby girl."

"I've missed you too dad." Serenity releases her father to say hello to her mother. Ryder comes up and drakes his father's hand smiling brightly at the man.

Marvolo speaks quietly to his parents. His eyes dart over to the Snape's and where Serenity, his girlfriend, is chatting with her mum. This is the way life should be. Everyone together.
Severus glances at the clock. 11:54. The parents dismiss the children to their bedrooms.

"How are we going to do this?" Riddle asks. "They need to know."

"They're too young," Hermione gasps. "They aren't even 12 yet."

"We aren't going to make them participate, they just need to know what is going on," Riddle replies. "They need to know there is a war happening."

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