Chapter 26!

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I stand in the shower, washing the conditioner out of my hair. The soap bud fall off my body, the hot water causing the bathroom to steam up. I close my eyes, allowing the water to pull me in to a sweet serenity. But my peace is ended all too soon, when a demand scream pierces the silence. My eyes shoot open. Hermione! I turn the water off and dress quickly. I run through the house and into the master bedroom, where Hermione sits clutching her stomach.

"Hermione, what's wrong?" I rush to her, placing a hand in her shoulder.

"J-J-Junior h-he wants out," Hermione pants. My eyes widen. Oh shit!

"We are going to have to disapperate top St Mungo's," I say helping her up. We stand together and in the blink of an eyes, we are outside the hospital. Hermione leans on me whilst I lead her inside.  As soon as we are inside I yell, "MY WIFE IS GOING IN TO LABOR! I NEED A DOCTOR!"

A nurse runs to my side with a wheelchair and I help her sit Hermione in it. She quickly wheels Hermione through the busy hospital, dodging other nurses and patients. We finally get to the room 467. With a flick of the nurses wrist Hermione's clothes are gone and replaced with hospital gowns.

A make doctor walks in. "Greetings my name is Edward Fasenn," he shakes my hands.

"Severus Snape," I shake his arm hand. "My wife is in labor but she isn't at her 9 months yet."

"How far is she?" Dr Fasenn asks.

"About 8 and a half months," I say taking Hermione's hand in my own.

"It is usual for some baby's to be premature," he assures me. He spreads Hermione's legs and take a look at her area. "Wow. She seems to be ready to start pushing."

I look Hermione in  the eye. "Baby, you're ready to start pushing now."

Hermione nods.

The pain in unbearable. I scream while I push. I've been pushing for three hours, and the baby still hasn't come out. In all this time, Severus hasn't left my side. He had held my hands and whispered encouraging words in my ear.

"Mrs Snape, you're nearly done. Three more pushes," I hear the doctor, I don't remember his name, say.

I push as hard as I can, causing me to scream. Tears roll down my cheeks, but Severus kisses them away. "I love you," he whispers. Two more pushes... One more push. My screams are halted with the release of pain. A high pitched crying fills the room, and a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Its a girl," the doctor says. Severus leaves my side to cut the umbilical cord, but returns to my side immediately. He has the biggest smile on his face. I smile back.

The doctor wraps our daughter in a light pink blanket, before handing her to Severus. He looks down at the baby in his arms and his eyes are filled with love. A tear rolls down his cheek as he kisses the baby's forehead.

"Hi Junior," he whispers. "I'm your daddy and I love you very much." Severus looks up at me with a huge smile on his lips. "She is beautiful." He hands her over to me.

"Hi baby girl," I say, my throat rough.

"I'm sorry to ruin this moment," the doctor says. "But we need to perform some tests and clean the baby." Severus takes her from me and hands her to the doctor.

"Thanks." Severus sits beside me and takes me hand. "You did really well today."

"I'm glad she is out," I laugh roughly.

"What should we name her?" Severus asks.

I think hard about names but none stand out. "Katherine," Sev blurts. "It means pure."

"And Rose," I say.

"Katherine Rose Snape," Severus tries the name. "Its perfect."

Katherine Rose Snape, born 21st January 2018.

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