Chapter 13!

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As Severus walks into the room, Harry squeezes my hand. Severus looks at the two of us whilst taking off his cloak. "Evening Mr Potter," he says in his cold professor voice. "Hermione," he leans down and softly presses his lips to mine before rubbing my stomach. "Hey Junior." Harry glares at my husband, who turns his back to put his coat on a rack.

"Snape," Harry says in recognition. I quickly glare at Harry.

"Harry don-" I begin.

"Shut up Hermione," harry snaps.

Severus turns to fast and draws his wand at our guest. "Do not speak to my wife like that."

"What are you going to do about it Snivellus?" Harry asks jumping up. Severus's eyes darken as Harry uses the nickname James have Sev in their teenage years.

"Harry stop! Severus please don't," I say standing up too. I wlak over to Severus but Harry grips my arm tightly, pulling me into a choke hold. I gasp as he pokes my throat with the tip of his wand. Severus lowers his wand momentarily, fear flooding his eyes, but he raises his wand once more.

"Is this enough?" Harry asks before lowering his hand to my abdomen. "Or is this?" I shriek as harry prods my stomach with his wand.

"What do you want from us?" Severus asks, eyes locked with Harry.

"Hmm? What. Do. I. Want?" He draws out his words. Something has changed inside Harry, and instead of feeling friendship towards him like I did when I was a teenager, I feel fear. "I would like it if you were dead and so was the demon spawn."

"Harry how dare you call my baby that!" I snap. "Let me go."

"Silencio," Harry mutters. My lips form words but they never sound.

"You are just like your father Potter," Sev snaps. "Always trying to take what means the most to me."

"You don't deserve Hermione, Snape! You don't deserve happiness," Harry snaps. My mouth gapes open, and I silently gasp.

"Potter you are the one who should be pitied. Albus Dumbledore said something to me once. Do not pity the dead. Pity the living and above all pity those who live without love. You should be the one pitied. Not me, not Hermione, not our children. Serenity and Ryder live with love. So will our new baby," Severus snaps, and if it was different circumstances I would kiss him with all my might. Harry prods my stomach with his wand again before raising it and pressing it on my throat.

"DO YOU WANT ME TO KILL HER?" Harry screams, making me jump. My eyes fearfully meet Severus's.

"What type of question is that?"


Severus murmers something, which makes Harry go dazed and releases me. I rush towards Severus who protectively stands in front of me. Harry snaps out of his confusion which causes Severus to smirk. "Confundus charm works perfectly."

"You shouldn't have some that Snape!" Harry yells. "Stupefy!"

As the words leave Harry's mouth Severus is already saying the country spell. "Ennervate," he says calmly. "Potter why don't you just leave and no one will get hurt."

"Never Snape! Not until I get what I deserve."

" Incarcerous," Severus whispers. Ropes appear and before I know it Harry is tied up lying on the floor.

"RELEASE ME!!" Harry screams. Severus smirks and presses the toes of His shoe under Harry's throat, squeezing slightly. Harry gasps as he cannot take in any more air.

"Are you going to leave?" Severus asks. "Are you going to leave my family and I alone?" Harry quickly nods. The ropes disappear and harry quickly disapperates. I wrap my arms around Severus and let a tear fall down my cheek. "Its okay baby. I will always protect you!"

Author Note:

Guys! I am back! Yay!!!! I am so happy!!!
My tablet has been fixed and I am writing again.

Drama filled chapter, I know but it was very fun to write.

I love you all!!

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