Chapter 14

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It's been two weeks since Harry's visit. We haven't heard or seen him since, thank Merlin. Serenity sent an owl last night saying that she was no longer attending the Yule Ball, so she will be coming home for christmas. "Why doesn't she go with Marvolo?" Hermione asks me as we sit on the couch watching Muggle television.

"Maybe they aren't friends at the moment," I say rubbing her stomach. She is almost four weeks. "Or maybe since that boy she doesn't want to go."

"I don't want her to miss out," Hermione whispers. "You only get to attend the Yule Ball once." I nod kissing my wifes cheek. "Have you heard from Ryder?"

"Not yet, but Seri said that he is doing great and so is Jess. I think that everything is getting better," I smile softly at Hermione. She leans in for a kiss and I softly press my lips to hers.

I sigh as I walk through the corridors. Ryder and Jessica have been spending a lot of time together, and Marvolo has been hanging out with some of the other Slytherins. I walk out to the Black Lake sitting on the green grass. Birds chirp as I absorb the sun. I lay back, resting the back of my head on my palms. Someone lays down beside me and i open an eye to see Kiara, a slytherin girl, laying beside me.

"Hello Serenity," she says, her eyes closed.

"Hello Kiara, how are you?" I shut my eyes again.

"I am fine thanks. How are you?"

"I am good," I say.

"Why aren't you with your brother and Jess?" She asks. "I thought you guys were inseperable."

"I would rather not be a third wheel," I laugh. Kiara laughs slightly.

"I guess thats fair enough," I sit up.

"Is everything okay?" I ask. Kiara also sits up and her brown eyes are filled with pain. She shakes her head, making her brown curls fall out of the bun she was wearing her hair in. "What is it?"

"Toby," she says a tear slipping silently down her face.

"What happened?" I ask, venom slipping into my words at the mention of him.

She silently raises her sleeve, wincing slightly. Her thin, pale arm is covered in blue-black bruises. I gasp. "We had a fight. Thing's got a bit heated."

"Have you told anyone?" I ask. Kiara shakes her head. 

"Don't tell anyone, I just had to tell someone," she whispers.

"Kiara listen you have to tell McGonagall or Slughorn. Someone. Toby will get kicked out of Hogwarts or something," I say.

"It will make it worse, Serenity it was an accident," she whispers, her voice uneven. 

"Has he said sorry? Has he approached you afterwards?" she shakes her head. "I didn't think so. So get up, we're going to see McGonagall."


I steadily raise my hand to McGonagalls door. The large oak double door swings open and Kiara and I enter. Professor McGonagall looks at us from behing her desk. "Miss Snape, Miss Kings, welcome," McGonagall motions for us to sit at in the seats across from her. My mind flashes to my fathers memory i saw one time. About a red haired lady when he was younger. Lily i think her name was. "What can I do for you?"

"Yes," I say. "We would like to report a student for abuse." One thing i am glad I enherited from my mother, is the formal way i speak. 

"An abuse?" McGonagalls eyes widen slightly. "What ever do you mean Miss Snape?"

"Kiara show her," I say reassuringly. Kiara softly pulls up her sleeves. Professor McGonagalls breath catches in her mouth. She looks up at us, eyes wide with fear. 

"Who did this?" she asks.

"Toby Flint," Kiara whispers. McGonagalls eyes glance at me, but i hold my head high.

"What happened?"

"I was in the Common Room last night, doing my charms homework. The room was empty because everyone was either in the Dorm or attending a party in the Room of Requirements. Toby came in and he was very intoxicated. He was walking strangely and laughing at nothing. I got up to help him into his room, when he attacked me. He pinned against a wall and tried to kiss me. I couldn't push him off me because I'm not strong enough. So i kneed him in his.. private parts. he let go off me but grabbed me before I could release me. He was holding my arms really hard and putting pressure on them, while he was screaming at me. He ended up passing out, so I ran to my room knowing he woudnt be able to get me there," Kiara says, tears falling down her face.

"Why didnt you shout for help?"

"Because I didn't want him to get in trouble. He was drunk."


Toby was suspended from Hogwarts for a month and when he gets back he has two months of detentions. Kiara and I are good friends now, and everything is okay. Jess and Ryder had their first kiss the other day and they are so happy. Marvolo is still hanging out with the other Slytherins but he still talks to me a lot. 

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