Bonus Chapter

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| | Severus | |

During my life, I have experienced pain. Heartbreak. Grief. Love. Passion. And pain again.

When I was 11 years old, I fell in love with the Lily Evans. A red headed Muggleborn. She was smart, beautiful and loyal. I was blessed with the opportunity to show Miss Evans the world off magic, until I made an unfortunate mistake. In my word, those who are muggleborn's are known as 'Mudbloods'. In a moment of rage, in a moment when I wasn't thinking, I blurted that word. I ruined my friendship with Lily Evans.

Then she married Potter. James Potter. He was the school's cool kid. And he was also a bully. He mercilessly bullied me all through my schooling years, than he stole the girl I loved. And then, they got themselves killed by Lord Voldemort, the Dark Lord I was working for. I began working for the Dark Lord once I finished Hogwarts when I decided to rebel against the Wizards and Witches I attended school with. But when I found out of Voldemort's plans to kill Lily's newborn son, Harry, I was mortified.

I couldn't stop the Dark Lord. He murdered her family. I was broken, and got a job as the Potions Master at Hogwarts. It was in those very halls, that held most of my childhood nightmares, where I fell in love for the second time.

When Hermione Jean Granger walked into the school at the age of 11, I knew she would be a great witch. She was intelligent, witty and unpredictable. I watched as she grew, matured and became a wonderful and beautiful woman. She had the most amazing personality, even though it held some dark secrets, and it is no surprise I fell for her.

We were forced to flee the school, hiding our relationship from the world and from The Dark Lord. Hermione and I married, and made our own family. We went through a lot in our marriage. Nearly losing our daughter, nearly losing Hermione, and assisting the Dark Lord in his attempt to avenge with fake death.

But, all flames must burn out. And Hermione and I burned brightly. And we burnt out painfully. I could nearly touch her when she died. When she curse hit her. I could hear my name fall off her lips, and I could smell the death.

Since that day, all those years ago, my life has changed even more. Our eldest daughter is pregnant. She and her fiancée are expecting their first child, which is very exciting. Ryder, our son, has moved out of home to play Quidditch with the Chudley Cannons. Our youngest daughter, Katherine Rose, is in her 4th year at Hogwarts, and was sorted into Gryffindor. I knew she was like her mother, but I never expected one of my own children to be sorted into the Lion House. But nonetheless, I couldn't be more proud of my children.

As for me? Well, I have not moved on from my beloved Hermione. And nor do I plan to. I have, however, been given my old position at Hogwarts as the potion master. My classroom, in the dungeons, brings back all the memories I had with Hermione in that room.

I miss my wife dearly, but I have found happiness once more. She looks over me, and some times I can feel her presence, or smell her perfume, or I can hear her laughter. I visit her grave regularly, and I talk to her about all the news.

My life has never been perfect, and I know it never will be perfect. But I would never change it at all. I loved and I have been given one of the most special gifts in the world, true love. I would not change anything that has happened, because death will get to us all in the end.

Some infinities are bigger than other infinities. And Hermione, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity.

I love you Always.


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