Chapter 18!

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It has been a week since the announcement of the TriWizard Cup. It has been a week since my brother stopped talking to me. It has been a week since my brother has even looked at me. It has been a week since my life went to hell. When we were growing up, Ryder and I were basically inseparable and now he will not even look at me. Every time I see him with someone else and he seems happy my heart breaks a little, no-one realises the pain I have to go through, watching my brother, my twin brother, be happy without me. I never thought that he could ignore me, but I now know he can.

Luckily Marvolo has been there for me, and he understands my pain. He has become my rock and no matter how much I try to shake him, he won't leave me. Like a prickle under your skin. It is super sweet how much he actually cares, and no matter what anyone says, we couldn't not care about the other. As we hang out more, and Marvolo lets me inside his walls, the more I feel. I am so excited and walm when I am with him, but as soon as we are separated, I feel cold. I don't get it but that isn't important yet.

We have been trying to figure out what the first task is, and we have been tipped off from an anonomous person that it might be a dragon. I get shivers everytime I think of it. How the bloody hell is an 11 year old boy supposed to defeat a dragon? We have been flat out researching different spells in the library, but so far nothing is working. It is so frustrating! 

"What about Immobus?" I ask, flipping the pages of the huge spell book in front of me. "It renders a target immobile."

"That could work," Marvolo mutters, his forehead resting on the table. I slam my hand against the table until Marvolo looks up.

"Marv we have to figure this out," I scowl him. "Or else we will be sending your parents your ashes."

"Seri, we have ages to figure it out," he says.

"Marvolo, three weeks isn't a long time! Merlins Beard come on," I say summoning the next spell book. I flip the pages, groaning and rubbing my temples as a headache pounds. Marvolo sighs and puts the books back before taking my hand and leading me out of the library. 

"Seri we will figure it out, but not now. We will go visit Madam Promfrey and get you something for your head," he smiles sweetly at me. My stomach erupts in butterflies and I mentally slap myself. Stop! I have to remain calm or else I am afraid I will have a mental breakdown. When we arrive at the Hospital Wing, I am forced into a bed and had my temperature taken. 

"Ma'am it is a little bit of a head ache," I complain.

"Honey, please relax," Madam Promfrey smiles at me. Marvolo sits beside me and closes his eyes, leaning back in his chair. "I will get you a potion then you can leave."

"Thank-you," I smile, before she leaves. As soon as the curtain is closed I glare at Marvolo, even though his eyes are closed. "I could've just gone to sleep."

"Well at least you won't be in pain anymore," he whispers.

"Marv it is a headache, I am not dying," I laugh quietly, but I adore him for his concern. Madam Promfrey walks back in before Marvolo can reply. I down the potion she gives me and Marvolo walks out before I am out of bed. 

"He just cares, you know? I am sorry, but I can see how much he likes you," Madam Promfrey whispers. I nod before leaving the Hospital Wing. Marvolo stands against the wall with his left leg raised, flat footed across the wall. He runs his hand through his hair and sighs.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"You're killing me," he whispers, looking everywhere but at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Every thing you do makes me want to burst into flames or melt," he says, his eyes flicking to the ceiling. 

"I don't understand," I whisper, my heart beating hard in my chest.

"I cannot stand how you make me feel," his eyes flick to a window near my head. I walk up to Marvolo and take his head in my hands, waiting for his eyes to meet mine. When they do they are filled with something I do not understand. Love? Desire? Happiness? I confuse the three, and now I cannot tell the difference.

"I don't know what I did wrong," I whisper, my eyes filling with tears. "I am sorry."

Without warning, Marvolo leans down and presses his lips to mine. His lips are soft and gentle on mine, like a gentle caress. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me. His hands slid  down my arms and softly sit on my waist. I move my hands so they rest on his chest, and I soak in the sweet flavour of his lips. I feel his tongue brush across my lip, and I open my mouth slightly, giving his access to my own mouth. As my tongue touches his I moan. He is so sweet and when we separate, my cheeks are hot. I rest my forehead against his and we are breathing the same air. I smile as I open my eyes and gaze into the perfection before me.

Thats when I realise why I have been feeling the way I have been.

I am deeply and inexplicably in love with Marvolo Riddle!

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