Chapter 39

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The days were long and full of intense training for Serenity, Ryder and Marvolo. The three children would practice spells all day long and at night they would get little to no sleep as they were all petrified because of the war. It seemed like everyone forgot they were only 11. They were only children. And they were being made into soldiers. But they were soldiers of misfortune. They didn't deserve this life, and they were not ready for all the responsibilities and horrors that they were to be face-to-face with in the next month.

For Hermione though, she was stressed to the max. This war meant she would have to stand against her friends. Against Harry. Ginny. Ron. Everyone. She would side with the enemy, with Lord Voldemort. Hermione could already see the looks of disappointment on their faces when she reveals herself. Hermione isn't afraid of the war itself, she is afraid of the end of the war. When one side is the winner and the other loses. She cannot help but feel afraid that something will harm her children or her husband, but she doesn't spare a thought for herself. She has already cheated death once and so has Serenity and Severus.

Weeks pass and the sky begins to darken, as if the heavens know that Hell is about to break loose. There is a coldness in the air, but could that be because of winter sneaking up on London? The world began to move very slowly, and the residents at Malfoy Manor knew that the time was coming closer. The war was among them, they just needed the date to be set.

A few days later, when the Malfoys family owl flew in with the Daily Prophet, everyone's heart flew a tiny bit faster. As, on the front page of the magical newspaper was a very peculiar article. About an upcoming festivity at Hogwarts where Mr Harry Potter would be making a speech on behalf of all the Aurors in the ministry of magic. Even Lord Voldemort himself was feeling a little anxious about heading back to the place where his shadow self had been killed. The date gad been set.

17th March.

Which was three days from now.

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