Final Author Note

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Wow! What a journey!
I would like to thank everyone one of my readers and especially those who have stayed with me since the start.

A huge Thankyou and shout out to the beautiful @harrypotterolog for being so supportive during everything and honestly if you hadn't been there during most of the writing process I wouldn't quit.

I kept second guessing myself about the ending, and I sobbed like a small child whilst writing it, but I am kind of glad it happened. I had the ending in my head for a few weeks and I'm glad (even though I'm devastated) how it turned out.

I am planning on writing more stories, and maybe some more Harry Potter fanfiction but who knows!

So if you would like to, leave a comment with your thoughts about the story as a whole or just leave a like, it's up to you.

For the final time in this story,

Much love


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