Chapter 7!

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I throw myself out of bed and sprint to the toilet, hand clamped over my mouth. I vomit into the porcelain white toilet, before leaning my head in the cold tiled floor. I groan quietly as I flush, and wash my face. Still tasting the vile of vomit I decide to brush my teeth. Severus walks in worried.

"Mione are you okay?" He asks hugging me from behind.

"Yeah, I just felt really sick," I say washing my toothbrush. I turn and hug Severus, holding him close to me, with his lips on my forehead.

"Do you think you could be..." He asks, the end of his question wasn't asked but I know exactly what he meant.

"I don't know," I whisper. Severus pulls away from me before pressing a soft kiss on my lips.

"I'll be right back," he whispers. Severus turns and walks out of the bathroom, leaving me alone with my thought. Could it be possible? I frown, walking back into the bedroom. I look out of the window to see a white owl soaring past and tears fill my eyes. It looked so much like Hedwig. Hedwig who had died to protect Harry. Harry who killed Voldemort, without my help.

Harry and I hardly spoke anymore. I believe he has three children. James Sirius Potter, Albus Remus Potter and Lily Luna Potter. James is going to Hogwarts next year, Albus the year after and then Lily. Ron and Lavender married and had twins Rose and Hugo, but I don't speak to Ron anymore. Ginny is happily married to Harry, as I am to Severus. Neville, who is the Herbology Professor as Hogwarts, married Luna Lovegood but she decided to keep her last name. Draco and I speak quite often and have become good friends. He married Astoria Greengrass and has a son named Scorpius who is good friends with our Ryder. Scorpius is attending Hogwarts next year which will be great! Its strange how during my own years at Hogwarts, Harry, Ron and I were inseparable, and now we are never together. And how Draco and I were enemy's and we hated eachother and now we are close friends.

Astoria is pregnant with their second child and she is about 2 months in, so if I am pregnant, I would be pregnant with one of my Bestfriends. I have met Narcissa Malfoy, and she is so kind. Even though I am a mudblood the Malfoy's are all so kind to me and have welcomed me in with open arms. Luscius enjoys having duels with me, and I have never felt better. Bellatrix Lestrange, has also grown to like me. She is always laughing and joking about, not really giving a damn. It the Potters and Weasley's knew what had become of me and who my friends are they would probably be ashamed. But the Malfoy's have become my second family. I sit on the bed and wait for Severus to get back, my heart beating with anticipation. Finally the from door slams shut and I hear footsteps going up the stairs. Sev walks in holding five boxes.

"Here you go dear," he says handing the boxes to me. I thank him and go back into the bathroom. After I urine on the five sticks I place them in the sink and await the results. The seconds pass slowly, but eventually I hear five beeps. I look in at the pregnancy tests and let out a small squeal. Severus walks in and follows my line of sight into the sink. There are five sticks with two pink lines on each of them.

We are having another baby!!


Marvolo, Ryder, Jessica, Toby and I sit near the fire on the floor doing our potions essay. The room has a quiet chatter, as everyone seems to be finishing their final pieces of homework before the Triwizard Cup. A brown owl flies through the window and lands near us.

"EILEEN!" I squeal patting my father's owl. I untie the letter.

To our dear children Ryder and Serenity,
Your father and I have some news for you. We are having another baby! I am about one month pregnant, so soon you will have another sibling!
We love and miss you both dearly,
Mum and Dad xo!

"OH MY GOD!" I squeal clapping my hands.

"What is it Seri?" Ryder asks.


This is basically a filler chapter. Unfortunately I have writers block :( so I don't know when the next update will be!
A question for you:
Boy, girl or twins?

Love ya ❤❤

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