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So, hi everyone! I have come to quite a delemna. I have completely lost interest in this story and I have no ideas for it. I have thought about it and have three options:
1) Rush the ending and finish the story.
2) Put the story on hold until I have any ideas (which may be a long time)
3) Delete the story and rewrite the ending of Sticking Together.

I am not sure what I want to do at this point but as I said I have lost all interest in the story and I am sorry for that!

But there is always a silver-lining. I am currently working on two of my own Harry Potter fanfictions on my laptop. I have a Marauder story about (obviously) the Marauders time at Hogwarts. And I have a fanfiction which is the whole Harry Potter series but through the eyes of Hermione.

I may upload these stories to Wattpad when they are finished, but I am keeping my options open!

Once again I am very sorry about my delemna, and I would really like to know what you all think I should do!


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