Chapter 8!

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Hearing the news that your mother is pregnant, and you are going to be a big sister is the most amazing thing ever! The love between my parents is so strong and us kids are the proof. Jessica let's out a very girlish squeal.

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" she squeals. "There is going to be mini Serenity or Ryder running around!" Ryder's face flushes red, as he looks down.

"That's awesome as! Are you going to reply yet?" Ryder asks. I nod and write a reply.

Dear Mum and Dad,
That is awesome! Congrats guys! Sorry Ryder and I haven't been able to owl you but Hogwarts has been super busy! I have met some great friends, and I also have a boyfriend Toby! Don't worry dad, he is perfect and has gone through the brother tests! This year is the Triwizard Tournament and Hogwarts is hosting it! Luckily of the younger students of the hosting school have a date they can go, so I am going with Toby! I really love Hogwarts but I miss you guys so much, and I can't wait until we can see you and the baby bump!
Love you lots,
Serenity and Ryder xx

I tie the letter to Eileen's foot before sending it away. I pull Ryder into a tight hug and he smiles. Jessica throws her arms around the two of us and squeezes. I laugh and worm my way out leaving Jess and Ryd in a tight embrace. They release eachother blushing and mutter an apology. If only they knew the feelings of the other.

I turn to Marvolo and smile at him. He returns my smile warmly. His smile sends butterfly's to my stomach and makes my palms sweaty. Without realizing what I am doing I throw myself into Marvolo and hug him tightly.Marvolo wraps his arms around me, and nestles into my shoulder. Where our body's touch is all tingly and it sends a zing through me. Embarrassed I let go of him just as Toby storms out of the room. I automatically follow him into the Corridor.

"TOBY WAIT!" I scream Running to catch up. Toby stops and turns to me, his face flushed red with anger.

"What the fuck do you want?" He snaps. Tears begin to fill my eyes.

"Why the hell are you being such a dickhead?" I ask.

"Because you're being ignorant! You hug my enemy! You hardly spend time with me! And you're too engulfed in your own little world to even think about how anyone else is feeling! I thought you loved me Serenity! I really did! But your actions show other wise. Obviously it is impossible for me to actually be happy," he yells angrily.

"What the fuck are you talking about? I have been spending time with you Toby, the only time I don't is when I am with Ryd and Jess! I hugged Marvolo because it was a heat of the moment kind of thing! I do love you Toby! I really do! But I don't understand why you're making such a big deal over nothing," I snap.

"This is a big deal! My own girlfriend has turned into a completely different person and I don't know what to do! It was supposed to be you and me Serenity, remember? But lately it hasn't been us! You have spent most of your time with your brother and hardly any time with me! I don't know what to do! I think we need a break! This isn't working out and I need to clear my head!" Tears fall down my cheeks as Toby storms last me. I think we need a break! His words echo in my mind. This isn't working out and I need to clear my head! I slowly walk back to the Common Room, my vision clouded by tears.

When I open the door, a billion daggers shoot straight to my heart at the sight in front of me. The room is empty, but by the fire is a Slytherin  girl making out with a boy. And that boy is Toby Flint. I let out a sob before running out of the room. The tears are streaming down my face as I sob. When I reach the Entrance I don't stop and I run through the snowy night. Snowflakes fall elegantly onto the ground as I collapse near the lake. I grab my chest and sob harder. How could he do that? My body heat begins to freeze slowly but I don't get off the freezing ground! Unfortunately, I have felt the cruelty of being in love. The world goes blurry before I black out.

sorry for the short chapter but I had to rewrite it because all my work got deleted
Cliffhanger (sorter) !!
Poor Serenity!!!

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Stay beautiful!
Love ya!!

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