Chapter 28!

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"Severus?" Narcissa calls out to me from the doorway of her house. "Is everything okay?" I look up at her, eyes squinted from the pouring rain.

"I wanted to see you, see Luscius, see Draco," I smile at her. "I have missed you all."

"Severus, you're going to catch a cold," Narcissa opens the door wider pulling me inside. "Gosh, you are freezing." She mutters an incarnation, and warmth flows over my body, drying me instantly and stopping my waves of shudders.

"Who's here Cissa?" Luscius' voice calls from down the hall.

"Severus is here," Narcissa calls. "Its good to see you again Sev."

"You too Cissa," I say as she wraps her arms around me. I hug her back. Throughout the years, Narcissa and Luscius have become my family. They are like siblings I never had.

"How is dear Hermione?" Cissa smiles. "Why is she not here?"

"Hermione is resting. She had the baby Cissa! Katherine Rose Snape. God she is beautiful," I gush. When you grow up with no real family, and you have your own family it really warms your heart.

"That's wonderful Severus!" Narcissa pulls me in for another hug. Draco walks down the hall with his fiancée, Astoria, on his arm. His face lights up when he sees me.

"Uncle Severus?" Draco kisses his girls cheek before rushing towards me and pulling me into a tight hug.

"Hi Draco," I smile, patting my godsons back. For a moment I don't see the man with the skull tattoo on his arm but the small boy with the piercing eyes.


I walk through the halls, hearing the high pitched giggles coming from one of the lounges. I sneak in, as a blond head pops behind the couch and the giggling increases.

"Where is my Godson? Where's Draco?" I ask myself aloud. This causes more giggles to come from behind the couch. I smile, before leaping over the couch and scooping the laughing child into my arms, spinning him high in the air.

"Uncy Sev," Draco laughs, holding on to my neck in a tight embrace. "Can we get ice cweam?"

"If its okay with your mummy," I smile setting him down.

"I go ask." Draco runs off out of the room, leaving me alone with a large smile on my face.


"I just don't understand it," Draco groans. We sit at the dining room table, while he works on his maths. Luscius and Narcissa home school Draco instead of sending him to the muggle school.

"It isn't that hard Draco. You go up by threes.  3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36," I write the numbers as the 7 year olds body slumps against me.

"Can't we just play Quidditch?" He puts his head in the table.

"Dray, you know that your mother will have my head if she knows your not doing your study," I chuckle slightly. "But if we get all this finished we will play, I promise."


"UNCLE SEVERUS!" His voice echoes through my home. "I got my letter!" The 11 year old child waves the Hogwarts letter in my face.

"Congratulations Draco," I smile, pleased for my God-Son. "Now I can watch over you."

"I want to be the best potions student in the whole school! And now I can spend all my free time with you," his grey eyes light up.

"I'm sure you'll be too busy with homework to visit me," I laugh.

"I could never be too busy for you Uncle Severus."


"Severus," Narcissa stands at my door, her eyes filled to the brim with tears.

"Cissa, what's wrong?" I pull her inside, sheltering her shivering body from the freezing wind.

"It's Draco," she whispers, breaking into a sob. "The Dark Lord wants our Draco."

Shock floods through me. "Our Draco? No, he cannot want him."

"The Dark Lord is very angry with Luscius and had decided to take his anger out on our heir. Severus, Draco is just a boy."

"Draco will be okay Cissa. You need to keep an ear out for news on your husband. I'll protect Draco."


"You don't understand," I snap, pushing the boy against the wall. "I'm trying to help you Draco! And you keep pushing me away. I made the Unbreakable Vow with your mother to protect you."

"I dont need your help," Draco shoves me away. "I have to do this or he will kill me."

"Draco, you are under tough scrutiny. I am sure the Dark Lord has multiple plans to kill you," I sigh. "Please Draco, let me help you."


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