Ch. 11: A Princess

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3rd Person:

     Veronika had refused to eat herself. Instead, she sat down on (Y/N)'s bed and one of the TT's fed her pieces of cake on a silver fork. It was very different from how (Y/N) herself would eat with her hands, and how Star would eat with his entire face.

"MMMM!! And you said you just made this?", she hummed with gloved hands in her lap.

     "Yeah, whipped out some eggs, milk. Icing was the fun part.", the traveler made conversation. Really, she didn't even know where she got eggs from. She looked through all her chests throwing things out to find the right materials. That's why they were on the upper floor instead of the trashed basement. Eliot had crawled into her lap for a bite, settling for just licking the frosting off her thumb.

     The girl in pretty pink sighed as another piece came to her glossed lips. "Shame that you have no one around to do that for you. Poor thing. I hope it wasn't too hard."

She shrugged, "It wasn't that big of a deal, it was fun"

     "Done!", Star announced. He had vanilla icing around his mouth that he didn't notice. (Y/N) set her 1/3rd slice down for later and rubbed the mess off from him, licking it.

     "When you're done meet us outside okay? We can get this tour started." Star's fur floofed up as he followed her out. Almost like a dog following his owner everywhere. Who knew how long this would take.

1st Person:

     Knowing there wasn't much to show, I knew that this wouldn't take long. Universe, when I said I wanted a person neighbor, I didn't mean like.. Veronika. Nothing against her, she seems great, but I hate her henchmen. Creepy vibes. And I didn't need pity points for knowing how to craft and bake, but I'm not trying to make her feel unwanted. Star's been quiet too, I mean he usually is until I say something, but at least he'd be a bouncy, happy quiet. Now he's just a awkward, head-down quiet.

     "What did she do to you while I was gone?", I whisper in his ear, or where his ear would be. He flinched and looked at me with wide black eyes, and pink on his cheeks. Okay so check, his eyes are just pure black. A good shade of black though.... what? There is no 'good shade' of black, what am I saying?

"S-she didn't do a-anything. I'm f-fine (Y/N) really.."

"That's your lying face"

"I don't have a-a lying face!"

"That's the lying face"

     He grumbled and looked the other way. He didn't have a lying face, I just enjoyed picking on him. Veronika walked toward us, umbrella over her being held up by one dude in black, TT Star says. All of them named TT. That's probably confusing. They're all shady with those sunglasses on. In her arms held Eliot, on his back and she was rubbing his stomach. I don't know a lot about cats, but Eliot looked uncomfortable when he wiggled around. She just giggled. "Oh (Y/N) your pet is such a cutie!"

"Mrowwww", he whined.

"I know, you're the cutie, yes you are!"

     "I think you should put him down, he doesn't really like being held like that", I said, extending my arms as he stretched out for me.

     "Aww its okay, I'm an animal whisperer. I can tell that this is his favorite spot", she said in the tone you talk to a baby with. My cat is not a dog and his 'favorite spot' is definitely not his stomach. The muddy patterned cat gave me a look like, 'Am I allowed to snap on this bih', and I just winked at him.

     A small part of me hoped he would rip her tight dress to shreds, but from what I heard when I turned my back was a hiss, shriek, and a drop. Then saw him walking through my legs. That's mommy's boy.

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