Ch. 5: Piggy Go Boom Boom

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1st Person:

    You know, Skeet was pretty nice for a skeleton. He taught me how aim better with my bow and he told me about far structures that stored away good bow enchantments. I let him ramble on about things like that, because I wasn't really interested in leaving out that far anytime soon. It was just nice finally having someone to verbally speak with. Plus, now I didn't need to make an iron golem anymore, I had a free bodyguard! Recently, I've been going back and forth with Star, the person who's been leaving signs around my house like "I like your pond⭐" , or. "I left some sweet berries in your chest⭐". Cute things like that. I'm pretty sure that Star isn't their real name, but what else would I call them? Its probably a guy, because their hand writing is soo sloppy. At some point I questioned if Sebastian had been leaving the signs, but he said he can't read or write. Gotta love his honesty.

    I've been contemplating starting a house-sell business thing. I could build houses around my place and I could start a little village. I'd sell the houses for diamonds! 5 for unfurnished, and 10 for fully furnished! It's a full proof plan, now if only I wasn't so lazy. Whatever, I only thought of the idea because I'm bored.. and still lonely. I think being alone for so long has made me a bit crazy. I mean, I was already a little crazy from the start, leaving my safe city to go live in the wilderness. But now I'm a little home sick.. I miss my friends.. and I miss my mom. I even miss my dumb little brother and his childish builds. Maybe I should go back..

    No time for moping around (Y/N)! I got things to do, like sitting in my house and doing nothing. Seriously, I'm borrreed, what's there to do around here? It seems like whenever I go outside to go explore, the day goes by super fast, and I can't ever get far without it turning night. Is this place bad luck or something?

    Knock... knock..

    Ooh, is that Skeet? Maybe he's here to help me train again! I rolled on the ground and got into a sitting position before standing up straight. Totally just marking my territory. I opened the door and.. huh, no one. Then I looked down and there was a sign. Ooh, it was Star.

   "Hey, its a nice day out, you should get some sun⭐"

    "Wow what a good idea, I would have never thought about just going outside and soaking up the rays of sunlight instead of being protected in my cozy shelter", I said sarcastically. I hope Star heard me too, where ever they are, so they can hear how passive aggressive I'm being. I would go back inside for another hour just to prove my point, but I won't be like that. Not today. So I broke the sign, and in the trees I saw two piggies, running around. Did I have some carrots? I went over to my farm and woah.. this was weak. I know I can do better than this. After I tame these pigs, I'm fixing this, jeez. I pulled some carrots out of the ground and walked over to the pigs. They almost immediately noticed the orange vegetables and they came up to me. I fed it to them and still had some left, so I could guide them into my animal pen. Um, I don't know how, but two chickens ended up in it so now I just got every farm animal in my pen. Might as well call me Old McDonald... okay sorry for that. The pigs happily followed me into the enclosure and ate up almost all my carrots, but I got out of there quickly so I could plant the extras.


    .......Hey remember my garbage farm? Wellll, I got a little busy the next day.

    Now if THIS didn't scream pro player, I don't know what does

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    Now if THIS didn't scream pro player, I don't know what does. The well was a little difficult but I managed. I had arranged all my crops neatly. All the vegetarians that move in are gonna be quaking. Shivering in their timbs. Mouth watering apon glancing at my masterpiece, teeth chattering, arms heavy, knees weak & palms sweat- hey when did night fall? See this is what I mean by night coming too fast, I only spent like two hours on this thing. And half of that time I just sat down THINKING about what I was gonna build. While I was busy placing a few more torches around the big area, I felt a burning pain in my leg like I had been shot and I fell to the ground. I let out a yelp and immediately regretted it. Not only did I seem like a p*ssy, but almost every other mob in the area knew that I was hurt, meaning I was an easy target. I could feel tears pricking the corners of my eyes as I looked at my leg. An arrow..

    Behind me was three skeletons, hiding behind trees in the forest. I wanted to run back to my house and shut myself in, it was right there! But obviously, there was a frEaKINGARROWINMYLEGSOICANTGOANYWHERE. I didn't even have my bow on me, like seriously, has all my training been for nothing?! The undead monsters were slowly closing in, and me and my bleeding leg had no where to go. Not to mention the pain was unbearable, and my vision was starting to get blurry. Damn, this is how I die. I think I did good though.. my family would be proud. The last thing I saw before I passed out was green and red...



   "(Y/N)? (Y/N) wake up please.. "

    I groaned in response to the voice. My leg ached and I didn't feel like getting up. I was half awake yea but I didn't feel like opening my eyes or speaking. Am I dead yet?

    Then someone slapped me with their cold hand. And it was a hard slap too. I jolted up from my.. bed, and held my right cheek. "Ow, what the heck?!"

  "Sorry (Y/N), I was making sure you were still alive ". It was just Skeet..

   "You could've checked my pulse or something.." , I whined, rubbing my now stinging cheek.

   "What's that?"

   " ...Nevermind"

    Sebastian may not be that bright, but.. I'm assuming he saved me? So I'm not gonna be a hater. "You feeling okay?" , he asked, adjusting the bandages on my leg down to my ankle. "I've got some packed ice to numb the pain of you want".

   "Sure, I'd appreciate that. Thanks for saving me out there", I smiled. Get you a bodyguard like Skeet, man. He was pulling out some ice from who knows where and then paused, like he was thinking about something. "Yeah.. no problem", he finally said while placing the packed ice on my calf. I quietly hissed at the cold contact, but I knew he was just helping out. After a while of being paranoid about me, Skeet said he had to leave out. He put on his helmet and told me to not get up, like he was my dad or something. But for my own safety, I stayed in bed.

    Wow, did you really think I was that patient?

    Just kidding, I'll stay in bed :).

    Just kidding times two! I really had you fooled. I got up and ignored the throbbing pain in my poor wittle leg, but she was just gonna have to toughen up. I walked, more like limped, to my front door and opened it. Oh my Notch..

    There were holes everywhere, and the trees, some of them were burnt. I could tell cause I could smell that faint fire ash & smoke scent coming from them. There had been multiple explosions here and I hadn't been awake for any of 'em! Oh and my poor animal pen... and my pond, they were ruined. I'm assuming that they had all died, and you know what, that sucks, because I was already emotionally attached to my critters. Especially my pigs. They were too young to die! What happened out here..?

💙~Image by Panthya on DeviantArt~💙

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