Ch. 6: Busted

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(Sorry, its me again. Just letting you know that I illustrated a lot of scenes in this chapter, because I think that the creeper in this story is really cute! If the drawings are distracting in any way, I can remove them and this message, no biggie ^^. Okay, back to the story!)

1st Person:

    Ugh.. I felt so tired. ...Where was I? Oh, oh this is Sebastian's house! When did I get here again..? After I took care of those zombies.. he must've taken me back. Mmm, I could smell Neviz's cooking from here! I got up out of my bed and opened the door to the kitchen. It was a little jammed today, so I had to really grip onto it. Could've chipped a tooth! There I saw Neviz cooking something up in the furnace and humming a sweet tune. Though it smelled good, I wasn't feeling very hungry. Creepers don't need to eat that much sillyhead. She turned around and noticed my presence.

   "Oh hello little Glitchy", gosh I hated when she called me that- "you got pretty beat up out there. Don't worry, Nevi patched you up real good." Beat up? I looked down at my hips and yup, there were bandages around my entire waist. So everything that happened wasn't a dream.. I really saved (Y/N) from a pack of evil zombies. Heh.. I was actually kinda hoping that she would see the real me, and watch me save her. Then she could see how much of a hero I am! But.. I guess she fell asleep, from bloodloss was what Sebastian said. I hope she was doing alright..

   " Will you be staying for lunch?", she asked.

   I shook my head, " I have to go see (Y/N) ". I grabbed my bag which was on the table and adjusted it correctly over my "shoulder". Eventually Neviz had to come help me.

   "That human girl again? Really Glitch, she's been causing you a lot of trouble lately, all you ever think about is her".

   "T-that's not true, I think about other things sometimes! I just wanna make sure she's okay".

   "I'm sure Sebastian has taken care of her injuries by now. I bet she's happily picking flowers somewhere, back to her old self again".

   "Well, I want to be there w-when she's picking those flowers". Jeez, I could already feel myself blushing. Its not like I like liked (Y/N) or anything, can't I just see if my friend's okay without being scolded? She probably d-d-didn't know we were friends yet, but we definitely are!

   Neviz sighed and gave me a small smile. I still don't know how skeleton's are able to make any facial expressions, but it is what it is. "Be back soon alright? I put a regeneration potion in your bag just in case your side starts hurting again."

   I hopped a bit and yup, I could hear the liquid potion in my bag. "Thanks Ms. Nev, I'll be back before you know it", I smiled back. She kissed my forehead and opened the front door for me, then I was off. I didn't mind that she babied me, both her and Sebastian had basically raised me since I was 7, so there were like my parents. After all that time though, they never really named me. Skeet would call me things like 'lil buddy' or 'squirt', and Neviz kept calling me Glitch. I wish she'd stop that, it kinda hurts my feelings, but I just can't bring myself to ask her to call me something else. Nonetheless, I didn't need any baby nicknames anymore. I had a new name!

    I was Star.


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   So, I had the perfect idea! Before anything, I was gonna fix up her pond. It's the only way I could get this done in the first place. So when I do that, I'm gonna dig a moat around (Y/N)'s house. Then, I'm gonna fill it up with water um.. somehow. After that, I'll get a boat right, put it in the water. Once I've done that, I'll put a pig in that boat. It could be a sorry present! F-for the pigs that I accidentally.. blew up. I'll even put down a sign, so she'll know I was the one who did this for her. This plan can't possibly go wrong!

   I ran into Skeet on the way to her house, and he told me that she was out fishing and that she wouldn't be home for a bit. I wouldn't question WHY she was fishing, since it just bought me more time to set up the present anyway. Fishing takes a lot of time, so I maybe had around 15-25 minutes to get this done. With no arms.

   First I got started with the actually moat. In order to dig around the house, I used my head to plow through the dirt almost effortlessly. It hurt a little when I was done, but that was okay. Her reaction was gonna be so worth it! The water part was probably gonna be the most difficult, I would need to carry heavy buckets in my mouth and fill up the moat. I pulled the lever to her front door and went inside. Things have been a little harder since (Y/N) moved most of her stuff down to the new basement, but luckily she had a bucket in her one living room chest. I filled the bucket little by little until I had the water going all the way around the house. Coolio, hard parts done, now I just needed a boat & a pig. I basically flung my bag off and rummaged through it until I found some wood. That's how I was gonna make the boat (using her crafting table of course!).

I feel like its been about 15 minutes by now, and I've practically got the whole present done

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I feel like its been about 15 minutes by now, and I've practically got the whole present done. The moat was made, I had the boat, the last thing I needed was a pig then I could sign off my work! Luckily I saw a few by the woods while I was walking here. I just had to quickly.. run back and.. get one..... oh boy.

    This is probably the most effort I've put into a prank yet. The sun was right over my head beaming down on me, and I was basically wearing a coat. At last though, I brought back a pig and placed it into the boat. I backed up and looked at my work in satisfaction, I even felt like (Y/N) would be proud of me for this one. Its amazing that she didn't come back from fishing yet, super convenient for me! So finally, I pulled out a sign & my trusty feather pen, and I started writing. Obviously it was a little hard writing with my face so close, but (Y/N) would get the point. Here's... a.. piggy for....... your.. troubles...! Then I signed it with a little star, like always⭐. I shoved the sign into the ground in front of the house and smiled as I heard the pig squealing.

   "Um excuse me?"

   My throat let out a hiss that came out more like a squeak. Just then I felt like I was gonna explode right there, instead my fur stood on its ends and I looked like a big poof ball. Definitely not a good first impression...

 Definitely not a good first impression

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💙~Image by xNIR0x on DeviantArt~💙

Creeper x Reader {A Minecraft Lovey Dovey Story}Where stories live. Discover now