Ch. 10: New Girly

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3rd Person:

     After such a long, pointless adventure, things were started to get back to normal. (Y/N) was working on expanding her home, and Star was off doing whatever Star does. Probably back home, the girl assumed, he was in a hurry to get there when their boat struck the sandy beach. Even after a journey like that, she didn't know hardly anything about him. So until their next hang out, she'd just have to read the book.

     Meanwhile, when Star got home, he was freaking out. He landed face first into his bed, kicking his little nubs in the air while gripping onto his pillow excitedly. He just got to meet, talk to, and sleep with the girl he'd been watching for the longest. Everything still felt like a dream. For now he didn't want to think about how Neviz would scold him for lying, he just wanted to sleep away the rest of the day. If everything was a dream, he wanted to relive it over and over and over again until his head hurt.


     Something was off, like a disturbance in the air that made (Y/N) wake up. She was reasonably cranky, this was one of the first nights that she was really able to sleep in a while. She pet the kitten laying in her lap and slowly scooched away from the bed, leaving him still asleep.

     She looked out the window at her empty pen and through the trees. Nothing out of the ordinary, and no signs. She left the warm home and into the chilly weather, something in her mind seeming to tell her to go to the desert. The thought of the ocean didn't make her feel easy at the moment, since she spent forever paddling through it yesterday. Despite that feeling, her feet drug her through the dirt and make it past the oak trees, and into the open wasteland. In the distance by the water, she saw something green with her blurry vision. "Star?", she rasply said out loud. The green blob turned around as her vision became clearer. "You came here too?", he simply responded.

     Tilting her head, she stood next to the mob, the breeze calmly brushing through her hair. She hugged herself at the sudden wind. "Is.. something wrong?", she spoke again.

     "No. At least I-I don't think so, but something is c-coming this way", he stuttered. She stared in the direction the mob was looking, trying to understand what he meant. He was right. Something.. no someone was coming. In the water, far away was a boat, not just some paddle boat either. No, more like a ship, with something bright pink on it. It wasn't something.. it was a person!

     (Y/N) reached her hand in the air. "W-what are you doing?!", the creeper panicked.

     "There's a person on that boat, I'm letting them know that we're over here, duh", she said waving her arm, saying hi. The bright pink thing looked like it waved its arm as well.

"Okay, but look at that ship! What if they have.. bad intentions?"

     "No one can have bad intentions while wearing pink", she answered, almost gagging on the color's name.

     Soon the brave adventurer put her arm down, back around herself. The ship was closer now, and she could make out a person wearing black steering the wheel, and the pink female figure was beside them. "HI!!", the two of you heard her shout with a high pitch voice. (Y/N) looked at Star and nudged him, wanting him to say hi with her. "Hello!!", they shouted back, voices colliding.

     "Y-you think they'll be surprised to find out w-what I am..?", he mumbles just loud enough for her to hear.

"Yeah, but just be yourself, I'm sure they'll pick up on the hint"


     "That you're safe", she pat his head. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. "Right.. okay".

     She felt like she should have something to gift to the visitor. This was something she wanted for a while right? A neighbor, another human being to talk to. "Stay here, say hi if she comes around", she said quickly as she ran back. Maybe she could bring a cake or something.

     Star stayed behind watching the approaching ship. Soon it was coming close to the shore, and he backed up at the sudden noise. Two males dressed in black suits pulled back their crossbows, ready for any move, making the creeper very nervous. He gulped as a stairway slammed onto the sand, then a red carpet was placed. Two men came out and another two held the hands of a woman, setting her down onto the carpet. She wore a pink, short dress littered with flowers of all sorts, noticeably showing off her figure. One of the men had given her a pink umbrella to go with the outfit and she gladly accepted it.

     "See boys? I knew my eyes weren't givin' up on me yet", she said unfolding a pink hand-fan. She poked the creeper in the chest with the object in a menacing sort of way, not making Star any calmer. "You aren't hostile are you, and where did your friend run off to?"

     He gulped, "U-um.. first, no I'm not h-hostile at all. Second, she didn't tell me exactly. She just told me to greet you so.. hi!"

     At the first few words, the girl was shocked at the fluent English but her expression soon relaxed. She smiled at him, snapping her fingers, which made the men lower their bows and come down. "The name's Veronika darling", she said placing her arm on her hip. "And these are-", the girl took a deep breath.

     "Tyler, Tyson, Tayler, Timothy, Trent, and Tol. Special sixlets, all look the same, they all go by TT."

".....Well i-its nice to meet you all, I'm Star and my friend's name is (Y/N)"

     Soon a huffing (Y/N) came with a box in her hands, the two let her catch her breath. She looked up eagerly, "Hey, how's it going guys?"

"You okay?", Veronika fanned her.

     "Very okay, thank you, here", she said handing the box to her. Instead the men took it and carefully opened it for her. It was a quick vanilla cake that the cutie had whipped up in the crafting table. Very sweet and sugary.

     "Why thank you (Y/N)! We can have this at your house if you don't mind, I'd love for you two to show me around!", she clapped.

"Sure cool, how do you know my name?"

"I t-told her"

"Thanks bud", Baby rubbed the top of his head. "Oh you're soft."

"I um.. t-thank y-you??", Star stuttered flusteredly, blushing at the contact.

     But enough with the fan service if you ask me. It was time to show Veronika and TT the land, their land.

💙~Image by GooBone on DeviantArt~💙

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