~Important A/N~

76 1 9

(Pico is here for my mental support)


Okay I had a plan for this, I just have to get all my thoughts together and throw them up in this Author's Note. How should I start it though..? Erm... Okay I'll be straight-forward!

I have lost all my motivation to complete this story.

...Kinda sounds mean. Let's stick with it though. This was a book I started after finding out how "easy" it was to jump into a Minecraft Fanfiction. But in all honesty, I don't think I even understood what I wanted to happen in it. I'm sure that after a few chapters, you could tell that I started just pulling ideas out of my ass just to get an update out. That shouldn't be how a story is wrote. Not only does it not show my work to its full potential, but it is a horrible example for people that want to start writing themselves. I apologize for that.

And I know many people have read this by now, we're at about 1.3k+ reads now, and I couldn't be more happier. But I simply cringe whenever I think about how people perceive previous chapters. The backstory of Y/N is inconsistent and I haven't read back on a chapter in forever, I swear I mentioned her having a brother.

On top of that, I've written Y/N too much like me. Like how I would react to a situation. I failed to give her any motives or a real personality that would fit the story, she's like a comic relief main character to me. Funny doesn't always mean good. I want to change that.

Meaning, if its alright with the audience, I would like to give this book another shot. Aka, rewrite it completely. I know that may seem like an issue somehow, but I know it would make me happy and make it more enjoyable. I'd be a hypocrite to let this book be discontinued. I'm planning on creating a new book and calling this "The Old Version", so I can see what not to do perhaps. And once I get the new one published, the beginning chapter of this story would be a warning like, "Hey! You're reading the cringe version of Creeper x Reader". Just a few thoughts.

Anywhowho, I wanna know what ya think. If you're not comfortable with commenting, a vote would also prove the same purpose. (That purpose saying "mAke A nEw boOk rAt")

Finally, I'm open to criticism and some writing tips anyone has to share. I'd also love to hear any ideas for situations to happen within the fanfic. Something small though, not one to warrant a whole dedicated chapter unless its a REALLY good idea. Who am I kidding, I'll probably end up writing whole chapters anyway.

Ok. I got that all out. Now I just need to know how to end it..

Oh! I'll just make it very abrupt like I'm being cut o-

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