*Time skip to the morning*

Stacy's POV

I woke up hearing some of my mom's yelling again and i looked at the time on my clock. It was 7:15AM. I got up and thought that mom was probably arguing with y/n again because she came home late. I got up and decided to go downstairs. As i was coming down the stairs i saw my mom still arguing,but not with y/n,she had a phone in her hand. I ran upstairs to go and see if y/n was in her room. She wasn't,where could she be? I went back downstairs to my mom.I hope that nothing bad has happened to her. We do argue a lot but then again,she is still my older sister and i look up to her. She stands up for herself and her friends and she always does what's right,but all my mom sees is just a rebellious teenager.

"M-mom where's y/n?" I quietly ask my mom. "Your sister's in Juvie!" My mom replied frustratedly. My mouth dropped open,why was she even there? What did she so that was so wrong that she had to go to Juvie? My mom's hands where's covering her face as she was sighing out loud. "Go get yourself ready,where gonna get your sister." My mom said and walked to into the bathroom and closed the door. I showered and brushed my teeth. I was about to get dresssed,but i went into y/n's room. I opened her cupboard,looking around at her sweaters. And there i got it! The last sweater my dad had bought y/n. I always wore it because i could always get the lovely smell of his colone on the sweater. I put it on and immediately got the smell of my dad's colone,i held myself into a hug and took a deep sniff into the sweater. It feels like im hugging my own dad again. "Stacy come on! We gotta go!" I heard my mom shouting from downstairs. "Coming mom!" I shouted back from upstairs and went downstairs. My mom locked up the house and we got into her car.
As she was driving we sat in total silence. I looked at her,trying to scan her emotions. She wasn't scared,sad or worried about y/n. She looked like a other type of way. She looked angry,frustrated and...embarrassed. My mom had always been trying to fit in everywhere but y/n made it difficult for her. Y/n never cared about what people think,she was always in her own world,wanting to alone or just with family and close friends. Meanwhile,my mom tryed to be accepted by everyone,she wants everyone to like her. So she believes whatever the neighbors tell her about y/n without trying to hear y/n's side of the story.
As an 8 year old,i shouldn't really know all these things. But also,how can i not?

My mom opened the car door and we went into place that y/n was in,it looked horrible and scary. There was a man that took us to y/n. We walked past all the cells that contained people in them but i didn't see y/n. We then got into a other room. There was a thick iron door that looked like it had enough security to keep a million dollars in there. Don't tell me y/n is in there,it looks so scary. He unlocked the door and opened it. It was dark in there,i couldn't see a single thing. Then i saw a body slowly walking out of the darkness in the room. It was y/n. She had dry blood all over her body. Her eyes were thick and thick and red. She had dark circles around her eyes. Her upper back was slouched down and she looked completely pale. She didn't look sad,angry or frightened. It was worse then that,i could see it in her eyes. She was completely numb,there was nothing in her eyes,it was complete darkness. I could see that she probably never even slept in there. I don't even think that there's a bed in that room. Im sure she layed on the floor due to the dirt that was also all over her body,as well as the dry blood. Neither of us talked,my mom just walked away,making us also walk with her to car. We got in the car and my mom started driving. It was then when i realized how bad y/n actually smelled.  But yet again,we drove in complete silence.

We got home and my mom didn't say a single thing. She just went into her room and closed the door. I looked at y/n. She looked lost and traumatized. "You o-okay?" I asked getting a little scared at the sight of her. She didn't answer but as she looked at me,she started to narrow her eyes at me. "Why do you always take my sweater out of my room?"


It was only then when i noticed that Stacy had on my sweater,again. It looked like an oversized,baggy dress on her."Because it feels like im with dad again." She answered looking down. "What?" Was all i said then Stacy ran up the stairs,covering her face with her hands and she ran into her room. I chased after her and also went into her room. She was crimped up on the floor,against her bed and holding her knees against her chest and cryed. I obviously walked over to her,even though i was covered in dirt and dry blood and smelled like rotten human corpse,she was my sister and she needed help. I kneeled down infront of her,"hey,tell me whats wrong" i gave a soft smile and she looked up at me. "I miss dad,okay!" She raised her cracking voice and layed her head onto her knees that she held against her chest. "Whenever i feel alone,i take your sweater because it smells exactly like him...a-and it feels like im with him again... i-i miss him y/n!!" Tears immediately started to run down my face,i had no idea Stacy was feeling this way,she never spoke about this to me or my mom. "And i got jealous of the wonderful relationship you had with dad, i only managed to spend 4 years with dad,i never even had the chance to get to know him as a dad!" Stacy shouted while crying as her voice was cracking. "I've never felt so alone in my life!" I quickly wrapped my arms around her holding her tightly,without hesitation she hugged me back,crying into my chest. We were both kneeling onto the floor,hugging eachother. "I'll always be here for you okay? You won't ever be alone." She pulled back from the hug and wiped her tears. "Thank you y/n." She got that cheeky smile back on her face. "Now go and take a shower, you stink" she chuckled and sniffed,i rolled my eyes and also chuckled then i walked out of her room and went to take a shower.

So tomorrow im going to take my phone for repairs. I don't know for how long i won't have my phone so i will not be updating in a few days. Im sorry

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