chapter 13

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Warning:there's a little bit of sexual content in this chapter so if you're not comfortable with reading it then you can just skip the part.

"No y/n,he said. I can never just be friends with you,i like you too much to just be friends." He said back. "What!!" Was all i was able to say. "Yep,you heard me."was all he said when there was again,complete silence.

I kept on driving until we got to my house. My mom and Stacy are at her friends house for the weekend so i had the whole house to myself. I unlocked the door and me and Aidan went inside. As i was locking the door i told him that he can go and sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the couch. We both went upstairs,Aidan went to my room to lay down and i went to the bathroom,i removed my eye liner and mascara and washed my face. I came out of the bathroom and went into my room to get my pajamas. I looked at the time and saw it was 11:15. As i came in,Aidan was laying on my bed,he looked like he was asleep. I stood there and watched him. The words kept on replying in my head."No y/n. I can never be just friends with you,i like you too much to just be friends." Does he really mean that? Was he just talking his own shit? Do i really like him? Does that explain why im always there for him,why im always there to help him? No matter how angry i am with him i know im always going to be there for him? Do i even love him? I sat on the floor,next to my bed with my face buried in my knees.
My head wont stop flowing with thoughts and it's driving me insane. Maby im just sober for too long. I lifted up the blanket a little and looked under my bed for the wine,it was still there. I looked up at Aidan again. I cant. I cant give in now,i said to myself. I stood up and went downstairs and went to my back yard. I stood outside infront of our pool. The sky was pitch black,but the moonlight was shining in the yard and the stars were like little parts of glitter in the sky,it was very beautiful. There was not a single wind blowing and the air was nice and cool. The pools blue lights were on which made the pool look like a blue glow in the dark. "Gosh. I don't think i can remember when last i was in this pool. I walked bare foot on one of the pools steps in the water,with my dress on and just did a simple dive in the water. The water was cool,but not too cold. It was just right. I started floating on the water on my back side with my ears in the water. I glanced at the beautiful sky for a moment then i closed my eyes. Suddenly i remember why and for how long i wasn't in this pool.

*Flashback to 4 years ago*
"But dad!! I cant come to you,you're way too deep in the water and you know i cant swim." I shouted for my dad. Okay then dear. I'll come over to you. My dad came to me and carried me over to the deeper side of the pool. "Come on,let me teach you how to float. All you do is lay on the water and spread out you're arms and legs." My dad layed me on my back onto the water. I was scared that i might drown but he kept his hands on my back. Eventually i got it right. "Dad!! I-i got it right!! I can float!" My dad picked me up again. "How was it." He asked. "It was scary at first,but then when my ears were in the water, i just heard nothing,it was so quiet and calm and i loved it. I said. "Im glad,and soon,I'll teach you how to swim properly". He said.
*End of flashback*

I felt the warm tears streaming down my cold face and i just felt like going under the water and never coming back up. I felt like staying down there where it was completely quiet. I then started to feel someone's hand on my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw that Aidan was in the water by me. I lifted myself up saw he was just in underwear. My eyes immediately looked at his abbs and muscles,i felt my face starting to burn so i tryed to avoid looking at him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and tryed to avoid eye contact.

"I was just resting my eyes for a few minutes and when i opened them, you weren't there,so i came to look for you. So what are you doing here?" Aidan asked.

"I wasn't tired,so i decided to come out for a swim." I replied softly.

"In you're dress?" He asked and lifted an eyebrow.

"Yeah! You got a problem with that?!" I asked with attitude.

"No." He chuckled softly and said"You know you look really beautiful right?

I just looked down into the water and slowly moved away from him. He then moved more closer until i got stuck in the corner of the pool,i was still looking down. He was like just 3 inches away from me. He then lifted up my chin forcing me to get lost into his deep green eyes. He moved his fingers from my chin and clubbed both my cheeks and softly placed his lips onto mine,giving me a small soft kiss. He started to back away slowly and i really didn't want him to do that. I quickly threw both my arms around his neck and brought him closer to me so that i could kiss him again,he quickly kissed back and slide his hands on my waist and down my thighs and lift me up causing me to wrap my bare legs around his waist. I moved my head back to catch my breath then he put his tongue in my mouth and glanced it with my tongue causing me to moan in his mouth. It turned him on more and he pinned me in the corner pressing himself against me without breaking the kiss. My legs were still wrap around him and his hands where still holding up my thighs and my hands were around his neck and slowly massaging his hair. I pulled away and whispered into his ear and said,"Let's go inside." He started carring me out the pool,bridal style and carried me back into the house and into my room and put me down. I took out towels and gave one to Aidan and we dryed ourselves off with our clothes on. I could sense his body coming at the back of me. I stopped drying myself off and just stood there. He slowly unzipped my dress while standing behind me and pulled the dress down. Leaving me in just my underwear. I turned around and he was also still in just his underpants. He put his hands on my waist,bringing me closer to him and started kissing me again. His hands was wondering all over my body then he picked me up and placed me on the bed and putting himself on top of me without breaking the kiss. He managed to unclip my bra and took it off and threw it on the floor. He started kissing me from my neck and worked himself down until he got to the bottom of my stomach. He then removed my panties and also threw it on the floor. His mouth did some wonderful magic down there. I then got impatient and lifted myself up and when he got up i quickly pulled down his underwear. Revealing the straight and hard thing infront of my eyes. I layed myself back down,and he knew what he had to do next. He spread my legs more open and slowly put it inside me. He put his hands on my waist and getting into it slowly. It hurt a little since it was my first time but i enjoyed the pain. I looked at him and said "faster". He did as i said and went more faster,but it wasn't enough. I  started shouting,"Come on!! More faster!!" He started going even faster and faster until i felt this knot in my stomach. He started moaning and said,"y/n im getting close." We both reached to our point and he pulled out and threw himself on the bed right next to me and we both gasped from exhaustion.

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