Chapter 3

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WHAT!!! Both of us shouted in the office....wait what??? He also shouted?? Why would he shout?? I know why i did but why did he??!?!?!

Principal:We will be announcing today during lunch that Aidan Gallagher is attending our school

Y/n: So why do i have to do it??

Deputy:because you already know its him,and you're here. So you can do it right now while everyone is in class.

"Ugh fine" i sighed at the Deputy and lead Aidan out the door,walking with him through the hallway.

Aidan:I didnt want to walk with you either tho

I looked at him and i eyes went wide,"EXCUSE ME??" I told told him.
"Well i dont really like socializing with shaddy delinquents" He said while looking at me from head to toe. "Mee?? A shady delinquent??" I said pointing at myself.

"Well you did get suspended and almost got detention as soon as you got back"

"Well yeah,but it's because people cant keep their nose out of my fucking business,you have no idea what it feels like to have people consistently talking about you and making up rumors!!" I said as i was walking to show him the cafeteria

"Sure...its not like in some celebrity that everyone post about,spread rumors,interview,get death threats"....he said sarcastically

"Ohh my fuck!! I cant believe what i just said" i literally felt soo stupid.

"Yeah,you have no idea what its like to live a life like mine"

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean??"

"I mean living like a celebrity,all the trouble we celebrity's have to go through,you're life is a little speed bump compared to mine"

And there it happened once again,the boiling inside of me,the red face and hands turning into fists. I tryed my best not to punch him in the face or shove him,but i had to say something.

"Little speed bump??" I shouted and he turned around looking confused."Is having you're mother hate you a little speed bump?? Is relying on drugs and alcohol to numb pain a speed bump?? Is having you're dad shot dead a simple speed bump??" I said while my eyes were filled with tears. "You know NOTHING about me,you might be famous and all that,but you're just like everyone else,you judge a person through what people think and say instead of getting to know the person and having you're own opinion. And fuck you also,you can show yourself to you're class!!"

I ran to the girls toilet while tears were running down my face. When i got to the toilet i lined up 5 lines of coke and sniffed it. Then i went to the mirror and wipped my tears,went to class and explained to the teacher why i came late.

It was lunch time and i met Josie in the cafeteria by the table we always sit.

Josie:So i found out who this Famous Mystery guy is,it took me a lot of talking to people i really dont like but i finally found out who he is. His name is...

We both say at the same time "Aidan Gallagher".

Josie:Huh??? How the hell did you find out?

"Long story" i said while staring at my bottle of milk.

Josie:Y/n?? Are you okay? You dont look so good.

Y/n: Do you ever wonder how people found out that you can drink milk from cows? Did they like play with the cow or something?

Josie:Y/n w-what the....wait...are you high??? You're never high in school,whats going on??

Y/n:Its Aidan. He made me soo angry,had the nerve to say my life is nothing compared to his,he might seem all nice but his actually an asshole,a biiig fucking asssholllle!!!

Josie:Y/n,people are watching u-.....

Just then,Josie got interrupted by that speaker thingy in the corner of the ceiling. It said,"This is you're principal speaking,we are happy to announce that famous,acting star,singer and songwriter Aidan Gallagher is joining our school. He is starting his first class right after lunch and we are grateful for him choosing this specific school to get a good education".

As the principal stopped talking through the speaker thingy i shouted."NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT AIDAN GALLAGHER!!!"

Everyone looked at me in silence and a boy shouted "Wow,everyone look our Jade is back". It was that same boy that called me Jade earlier on. He had light caramel complexion,brown curly hair and his eyes were this light hazel color,his actually really hot,i cant believe i shoved this cute boy.

Y/n: Yoo, curly cutie,why you calling me Jade?? My name is y/n.

He looked really surprised when i called him a curly cutie,i dont know why i said that,then again,i did do 5 lines of coke,but i usually just do 3.

Josie:Y/n stop it!!! You're high,we got to get you out of here.

Josie pulled me by my hand out of the cafeteria while everyone was saying "OooOoo" for when i called that boy a curly cutie. I know for a fact that more posts are coming my way

This chapter is a bit short. I want more people to read my story so i can create more stories.

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