Chapter 2

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The suspension+grounded week was finally over!! Starting tomorrow im going back to school. Its been a real horrible week. I didnt have my phone,Josie couldn't come over and my mom found out that i was smoking drugs in my room,so we definitely argued in the week. My sister would just usually hide in her room when me and my mom argued.

The next day i got up and made finish for school. I put on...

Went downstairs and got my phone from my mom,i put on the wi-fi on my phone and it kept on vibrating like crazy of all the notifications that came through

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Went downstairs and got my phone from my mom,i put on the wi-fi on my phone and it kept on vibrating like crazy of all the notifications that came through.

Mom:Y/N,you know there's no phones allowed at the table.

I put my phone down and ate my cereal and went out.

As i was walking me and Josie both saw each other. We both ran to each other and hugged each other very tightly

I MISSED YOU!! We both shouted for each other.

Josie:Omg i have sooo much to tell you!!

Y/n:Go ahead. I dont have anything to talk about,i was just in the house all week. Oh and sorry for not being able to see you whole week,it was part of the punishment.

Josie:(chuckled) its all good,i just asked Brandon to pick me up for the week.

Brandon is Josie's boyfriend, his in 11th grade and me and Josie are in 10th grade. They started dating when Josie was a freshman and were together ever since. They do everything together,and i just tag along. They try their best not to act all lovey dovey around me,but it's still feels like i just ruin all there dates.

Josie: And just a day after you're suspension there was this new boy that came to our school. There's rumors going around that his famous and acted in a Netflix show. I couldn't find out whats his name,but im definitely going to find out.

(We enter the school)

Y/N: Oh my god Josie. You have you're own boyfriend to look out for,leave this "celebrity" alone.

Josie:Ugh whatever! Im going to class,sure you at lunch.

I gave Josie a side hug and she went to class,mine was still further down. But as im walking all these people are watching me and whispering to each other. Ugh didnt they yet forget about what happend last week?? I thought to myself. I dont get anxiety around people so i just gave everyone my resting bitch face and walked on. I took out my phone and scrolled through twitter while slowly strolling to my class. I saw a bunch of posts i was tagged in. Some of it where about the fight with Mr.James a few days ago and about how im a badass,a bad bitch and apparently smokin hot. But one tweet really caught my attention. One that said:"Just when i thought N/Y couldn't become more badass,she gets gets into an argument with her mother about her smoking drugs!!". WHAT THE FUCK!! I shouted in the hallway while everyone was staring at me. Who the fuck wrote this tweet about me and my argument with my mom!?!?! Everyone was quite and watched me. Suddenly i started getting that inside boiling again,my once again turned red and my hand turned into a fist. WHY DONT NONE OF YOU BITCHES FUCKING ANSWER ME!!!! A boy shouted,"Woah!! Guys look,we have a new Jade!
I looked at him and grabbed him by his sweater and pushed him against one of the lockers. The deputy principal came out and stopped me,and took me to his office.

Deputy:y/n. You just came back from suspension and now you're causing again trouble.

Y/n: Have you seen the tweets about me?? Someone is stalking me at my house!!!

Deputy:I saw the tweets. The principal will make an announcement about it,but the way how you want to handle this situation is not going to make it any better for yourself.

Y/n:i know,im sorry. I'll accept any punishment you give me.

Deputy:Well you didnt really fight soo....

Just then someone opened the door,it was a boy. He came in out of breath and was sweating a little. He took of his cap from his hoodie and removed the scarf and sunglasses. "Sorry for being late sir! I overslept and my car didn't want to start and i...." He saw me. He looked at me with his greenish...blueish eyes,his hair was in his face because of rushing in here and he was breathing heavily,i saw how his adam apple was moving. Then i saw it,it was him,the boy everyone was talking about. It was Aidan!!!Aidan Gallagher!!!!

Immediately i shouted,"AIDAN GALLA..... before i could finish his name the deputy shouted out my name.
For me to not say his full name.

Deputy:y/n you cannot say his full name yet. Not everyone is in their class yet.

Y/n: O-of course...Im sss-sorrryyy

Aidan POV
The girl could barely even talk when she saw me,she was the first girl to know that it was me who came here school. I tryed to greet her,ask her whats her name,shake her hand...but i couldn't. I just froze there like some stupid statue. Just as i about to try harder to say something...the deputy cut the silence

Deputy: Aidan is our new student here. We gave him schoolwork to do and he did it at home for the past week while you were suspended,but from today onwards his going to be in school now like the rest of you,we decided today to tell the children that Aidan Gallagher is attending school here.

Aidan:Wait...she was suspended???


Aidan look very surprised to hear that i got suspended,probably because i dont look like the type of girl that gets into trouble,and im not. I dont know whats going on with me for this past few weeks. But i just wanted to get my punishment and get the hell out of this office. The way Aidan was looking at me all judgemental was going to make me get into another fight. And i would probably go to jail if i would of beeten up this celebrity.

Y/N:Okay....i err i appreciate the explanation and everything,but i would really just want to know what my punishment is and get out of here.

Deputy:I was going to give you detention after school but instead you can show aidan around the school....

WHAT!!! Both of us shouted in the office....wait what??? He also shouted?? Why would he shout?? I know why i did but why did he??!?!?!

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