chapter 5

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Chapter 4 accidently got deleted so here's what happened. The mean girl Maddy invited you to a party and you went because Josie forced you to. Aidan was also at the party and Maddy spiked his drink so that he would get numb and not remember anything so that she could spend the  rest of the night with him. But when you found out,you took Aidan and tryed to take him to his house.

I went out and put Aidan in my car and i went to go sit in the driver street. I looked at Aidan for a moment. He was almost completely passed out. He was tilting his head side to side,sitting uncomfortable in the seat. I couldn't help but to stare at him,he looked extremely tired and he was sweating and taking deep breaths. I know that feeling,he was going through something bad, i could see it.I stared for like 2 minutes then snapped out of my zone. "Aidan,where do you live?" I said as i looked at the front of me with a straight face. " h-house". He said with his head layed back. "Where is you're house?" I asked impatiently. "Next to my neighbors house." He started to giggle. "Aidan!!! Just tell me where you....." I turned to him and saw he was completely passed out. "Fuck it!!" I shouted. I then drove to my house and took him out the car and put his arm around my shoulder,unlocked the house with my keys and brought him inside. "Mom!!!" I shouted. After a few minutes she came downstairs tired from her room in her sulky purple gown. She saw Aidan laying on the floor. She looked at me,Y/n are you drunk? She shouted. "No" i said. "Im just exhausted,but he is drunk. Some girl spiked his drink and tryed to seduce him so i brought him here since i don't know where he lives. "Okay" my mom said. "But you not letting you're drunk friend sleep on my couch,he can sleep in you're room. You're bed is big enough". She said and went back upstairs to go sleep. "Seriously?! Now this is what i get for doing the right thing!!" I brought him up to my room and threw him on my bed. I took off his jeans thinking that it would be uncomfortable to sleep in jeans. I let him lay in my bed with his sweater and underwear. I went to my small closet and put on some boxers and a tank top(my pjs). I climbed in my bed,exhausted as fuck and dozed off to sleep.

I suddenly felt this warm comfort behind my back and arms wrapped around my waist. It felt so nice,warm and comfortable. I smiled half asleep and held this hand that was on my stomach. Then i realized,here's someone in my bed!!! I lift myself up as quick as I can and saw Aidan in bed. I actually forgot that i brought him here. He was still sound asleep,he didn't even realize that we were practically cuddling. I got up,looked at the time,it was exactly 8 am. I put on a hoodie and went downstairs. I saw my mom cooking breakfast and my sister was already busy eating. My mom gave a plate with toast and black coffee. "Here,this is for you're guy friend,to help with his hangover". My mom said.
I made myself some coffee and took Aidan's breakfast upstairs to my room. I put his breakfast on the small table next to my bed and sat next to my window and watched the sunrise while sipping from my coffee. A few minutes later,Aidan woke up and eventually saw that he wasn't in his house. He looked around worried and then he saw me. "Did we...." i cut him off and said "....have sex? Yep. It so good that i think i might be pregnant." He made his eyes so wide that it looked like it was about to pop out. " what some other slutty girl would say if i hadn't of brought you here and left you at that party." I said with a straight face. He sighed out of relief and said "Thank you for doing this for me." I chuckled and said,"Dont mention it. There's some toast and black coffee to help with you're hangover. Finish it and get out."
He started to smirk at me. I looked at him and asked for why is he smiling at me. He chuckled and said,"You're a cold person,but with a good heart." I light my cigarette and looked again out the window and said,"I just do what i can to stop Maddy from ruining people's lives". He looked confused and ask,"What does Maddy got to do with any of this?" I said,"Maddy spiked you're drink and tryed to seduce you,which is why you got overly drunk from just six shots." Aidan then asked,"Well im very grateful for what you did for me but why try so hard to stop Maddy from doing what shes does?" I was still looking out the window,trying to avoid eye contact",Because i know her for long. I know what shes capable of,lets just say she gave me a horrible childhood. I could sense that Aidan was staring at me but i kept looking out the window. I told him that he should eat finish and get going cause i got plans with Josie. He got up then put on his jeans and i went downstairs with him. He greeted my mom and my sister and thanked her for the breakfast and he left. I went back upstairs and got dressed. I put on...

I ate finished and left the house and drove to Josie's house for our Bestie Date and to go buy our iced coffee at Starbucks

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I ate finished and left the house and drove to Josie's house for our Bestie Date and to go buy our iced coffee at Starbucks.

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