chapter 10

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Once again. Thank you to the one person thats reading my story. I can't believe that you're actually still reading this!!🥺🤭 Really appreciate you!!

Days went past and eventually it was Friday.After spending the Monday with Jordan i actually felt so much better. We've become really close and he's been spending a lot of time with me and Josie.I felt a little weird inside because i didn't drink alcohol or smoke anything since Monday morning. But i told Jordan I'll try to stop,so i have to keep trying. Me and Aidan didnt talk to each other for the whole week after he messaged me. But anyways i brushed my teeth and went to go shower....i put on...

I grabbed my coffee and went outside

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I grabbed my coffee and went outside. As usual,i got Josie along the way. We greeted and talked on our way to school.

"Soo,what are we doing this weekend?" I asked her.

"Ohh well....Brandon got me and him reservations for tonight by this fancy restaurant." She said nervously.

"Ohh i-i see." I stuttered and looked down.

"Please don't be mad. I-i can ask him if we can take you with or-or i can..."

"No josie!" I chuckled. " i already go on so much of you're dates with him. Brandon just wants to spend some alone time with you."

"S-so you're not mad?" She asked.

"Of course not. Enjoy you're date with Brandon." I said and gave a fake smile.

I really didn't want to be alone this weekend. Usually I'd always prefer to be alone but then i would just get high and drunk in my room until im completely passed out. But since i stopped i always spent time with Josie and Jordan. Im afraid that if i spend this weekend alone,i might not be able to handle it and just give in.

We then got to school and went to our classes.

*Time skip to lunch break.*

Me and Josie were sitting opposite each other by our usual table,ate our lunch and discussed what she should wear for her date tonight.

Suddenly i felt a body place itself next to mine. I expected it to be Jordan but i turned to see it was Aidan.

"Who invited you to sit with us? I asked looking to the front facing Josie"

"I just wanted to apologize for what i did to you." Aidan said.

"You already apologized over the phone. So DONT MENTION IT!" I said giving him a clear fake smile.

Aidan looked at me and said,"Okay so uhmm...i-i was wondering if you would like to....y-you know uhh..."

"Sup guys!! Y/n i need to ask you somethi-"

Aidan then got interrupted by Jordan coming to the table. He next to Josie opposite me and Aidan. He looked a little confused seeing Aidan sitting with me.

"Uhh sorry,am i interrupting?" Jordan asked.

"Uhh yeah,as a matter of fact,you are!" Aidan snapped at him.

"Aidan! Shut up!!" I told him and looked at Jordan. "Sorry Jordan. What is it you wanted to ask?"

"Soo,uhh,you see we...uhm...had such a good time on Monday s-so i was wondering if you'd like t-to go out with me tonight? But th-thats only if you want to go..."

I looked over at Josie and she just shrugged with her soda in her hand and watched us as if she was watching a reality TV show. I glanced at Aidan and he shook his head signaling for me to say no to Jordan. I rolled my eyes and looked over to Jordan,he was just looking down and playing with his hands.

"You know what Jordan,I'd liked to go out with you."

Aidan,Josie and Jordan made their eye's wide for my response.

"Ohh!! Great...uhm. I'll pick you up at 8 i-i guess.

"No need." I said. "Text me the location and I'll just drive there and meet you at the restaurant."

Aidan got up from the table and stormed out of the cafeteria. I knew he was pissed at me for agreeing to go out with Jordan but i don't need his permission for who i should or shouldn't date.

Aidan's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe that she actually said yes to going out with that boy. I finally got the courage to talk to her and to ask her out but i was too late. I couldn't stay in that school any longer. I stormed out of the cafeteria shoved away everyone that was in my way. I ran out of the school and before any teacher could see me i went into my car and drove away.

As i was driving i took my phone out of my pocket and called an old friend of mine. "Hello? Austin?." "Yea it's Aidan." "You still by you're house?" "Good,im coming over."

*Time skip to after school*


I waited for Josie outside the school so we could walk back together. She came and we started walking.

"Soo,you're date with Brandon huh?" I said and nudged her shoulder.

"Soo,you're date with Jordan huh"? She said and did the same to me.

"Noo. Were just friends that's hanging out. Thats all". I said

"Well,it doesn't seem to me that he wants to be just friends with you. I personally think that he really likes you." Josie said with her head held high.

"Can we just change the subject please?"  I asked irritatedly.

"Ugh fine". She said. "Ohh! Have you heard about Aidan?" She asked

"What about Aidan?" I asked

"Well apparently some people witnessed Aidan ditching school. He just got in his car and drove away."

"Ohh". I said looking down,i hesitated and said,"Well,whatever Aidan does is none of my business. I need to worry about what in going to wear for my hangout with Jordan. "

"It's a date y/n. Not a hangout."

I rolled my eyes and gave Josie a hug because she was about to go into her house. As she opened the door she shouted,"And you're going to a restaurant,so pleaseeee were something neat and classy!!" She laughed and closed the door. I laughed and walked until i got to my house. I unlocked the door with my key,my mom was still in work and my sister was by after care. I made myself a sandwich and watched a little TV until it was time for me to get ready for my hangout,or date,or a date with a friend. Ohh i don't know anymore.

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