chapter 14

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We were both laying on the bed and realized what we actually did. After a few minutes of laying in silence,i got up and took out my pajamas,i went to the bathroom to put it on and when i came back i took out a pair of my boxers and gave it to Aidan to sleep in. He then went to the bathroom and i sat quietly on my bed drowning in my thoughts.

I cant believe i actually did that,with Aidan,and it was my first time,what the hell did i just do?? I think this was a mistake. Or was it a mistake,it felt very good maby it wasn't a mistake.

Aidan came back into the room,i didn't even notice,he sat again on the bed next to me. He had on my boxers and he was shirtless,once again,my eyes immediately made itself to look at his abbs,gosh his so handsome.

"So uhmm,what does this mean now?" I asked quietly.

"I-i dont know." He said."Was this you're first time?" He asked.

"Uhmm yeah." I said.

He lifted up my chin and looked deep into my eye's,he took his other hand and clubbed it on my cheek and said,"Listern y/n. I really meant what i said,i can't just be friends with you,i want to be more than a friend to you. I've been in many relationships but i never felt this way before...when im with you,everything changes. I dont worry about anything,i don't stress or care about anything else. You make everything in my life better,you are my light."

I was obviously so fucking speechless,there were tears in Aidan's eyes when he told me that,the tears were already running down my face.

"A-Aidan,i really like you,no i dont like you,i think i might actually love you. I fell for you from the first time I saw you. Which is why i kept pushing you away." I told him then i looked down to my knees.

"Well then why would you do that?" He said as tears started running down his face." I want you to know that whenever you need me,im going to be there for you. I want to be the first person you come to when there's trouble. I want you to depend on me." Aidan said.

"Noo! I dont want that!" I shouted a little.

"Well why not y/n! He raised his voice.

"BECAUSE!!! Because i depended on my dad! I thought he was always going to be there for me,i thought he would protect and then,and then he just left,he left me all alone!! I shouted and crimped up in the corner on my bed while tears were poring down my face.

Aidan's frown then dissapeared and he had this soft look on his face. He came closer to the corner where i was in and he lifted up my chin and wiped my tears off my face.

"I know you're dad left you alone,and it wasn't his fault for that. But now im here. Im here to protect you,im here to help you and im always going to be here if you need me. You're not alone anymore." He said and gave a soft smile.

I looked at him and gave him a warming smile,i then said,"Thank you Aidan. For putting up with all my bullshit." I started to chuckle a little bit.

"It's always a pleasure." He said and smiled.

As i was about to go out of my room to go wash my face in the bathroom Aidan quickly called out my name.

"Y/n!!" He shouted.

"Yes Aidan?" I turned around and  faced him.

"W-will you consider...b-being my girlfriend?" He asked quietly.

I started to smirk and said,"How can i ever say no to you?"

His eyes went wide and he immediately jumped off the bed,ran to me,gave me a extremely tight hug and swung me across the room while hugging me.

"Okay! Okay! Put me down now!" I said and started laughing. He put me down and i said,"Come on,its late and you need to sleep,im just going to wash my face real quick,i turned around to walk out the room. "Sure,okay mami." Aidan said and went to lay back on the bed. When i heard that my face immediately started burning and i turned red,my eyes where extremely wide. I quickly ran to the bathroom so that he wouldn't be able to see me. I then washed my face in the bathroom and came back to my room. Aidan already looked like he was sleeping so i just got into the bed and turned to face him.

He looked so peaceful and happy. He hair was messy,his face was a little red and i couldn't stop staring at his thin,pink,soft lips. I couldn't believe that i am actually Aidan Gallagher's girlfriend!! I gave him a small perk on his lips,assuming he was asleep already. As i was starting to turn the other way he quickly pulled me back,facing him again. He wrap his one arm around my waist and put his other hand on my cheek and he gave me a long deep kiss. I actually got frightened a bit because i thought he was asleep. When the kiss ended i layed my head on his chest and he finally started to fall asleep.

As my head was on his chest, i kept hearing the sound of his heart beat. It was completely normal,but it felt so peaceful to just lay there and listen to his heart beat. I then put my hand on my chest and i realized something. Both of our hearts were beating the exact same time and at the exact same pace. It was as if i was hearing one big heart beating. I was just smiling with myself while holding Aidan. Im finally happy,after all this time i finally felt happiness again. I slowly started falling asleep in Aidan's arms.

*Time skip to the morning*

I woke up and saw that Aidan was still sleeping. I was still laying in Aidan's arms and my head was still on his chest.  I slowly removed myself from him and looked at the time on my phone. I saw that it was 10:23 am. I got out of bed and Aidan started waking up.

"Morning beautiful." Aidan said in his sleepy voice as he was waking up. Omg that was so sexy!! "Goodmorning Aidan". I said as i put on my hoodie. "Where are you going?". He asked me. "Well im starving,so im going to go make some breakfast." I said while putting on my fluffy morning slippers. "No no no no!" He said while lifting himself up from the bed. "You get ready,im taking you out for breakfast." He said. "No Aidan." I chuckled. "It's really not necessary." He looked at me and raised his one eyebrow and said,"Well,i feel like spoiling my girlfriend for the day so im going to take you out for breakfast." He said. I just chuckled a little and nodded my head,agreeing to go out for breakfast.

Just as i was about to get ready,i got a phone call from Josie. I picked it up and i heard something i almost never heard from Josie. I heard crying.

"Jo-Josie,whats wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked and me and Aidan both seemed worried.

"It's-it's Brandon,he-he cheated on me!!" Josie shouted as she continued crying.

"What how's that possible? Brandon love's you! I said looking very confused.

"That's what i thought too,turns out i was wrong." She continued sobbing.

"Okay,you know what,imma be right over,okay?"


I put off the phone and quickly put on some sweat pants and took my bag. "Woah y/n what happened? Is Josie okay?" Aidan asked.
"No." I said. "Im sorry Aidan,we're going to have to go for breakfast another time. My best friend need's me". I walked downstairs and opened the door. "Take the houses key with you when you leave!!" I shouted for Aidan and went outside and got into my car.

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