chapter 7

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He just gave a confused glance at me then focused again on the road. My attention was still focused on the road.

He then drove to Starbucks and ordered his drink and ordered his drink and asked me to order something. I ordered (you're choice of drink) as he was driving again i asked,"So you bought me a drink,so are you taking me home now?" He chuckled and just drove on,leaving me wondering if his going to kidnap me or something. It was late afternoon and we eventually got to a beach. The wind was blowing a little but it was that warm kind of wind,there were very few people at the beach. He ran and took off his shirt and jeans and went into the water. I just stood there like some lonely puppy. "Y/n come on in, the water's great!" Aidan shouted for me while he was in the water. "No way!!" I shouted. "I dont even have a bathing suit with me". "Well than just did what i did,underwear and bathing suits are practically almost the same!!" Aidan said. I gave out a big sigh and took off my skirt and and hoodie and my shirt. And went in the water with my underwear.

Aidan's POV.
Y/n started undressing her until she was left in the underwear,i know it seems weird but for some reason i couldn't stop watching her. The sun was shinning on her beautiful (you're color skin) she came into the water and she had something on her face,something I've never seen before,she had a smile on her face...and not just any smile,she was happy,her cheeks where red and there was this sparkle in her (you're color eyes) that lit up when she smiled. The whole world felt still as she was coming on. Whats going on with me,why am i thinking all this stuff,do i actually like-

As i came in the water Aidan was standing there like some statue. He was starting at me as if he wasn't on this planet. I couldn't help but to blush a little. I ran in the water and pushed him causing him to fall in the water,knocking him out of his zone. He finally got back to this Earth and started splashing me with water. I continuously splashed him but i didnt look cause i didnt want water to come in my eyes. But when i opened my eyes he wasn't there. Where could he of gone?? I thought to myself. Suddenly i felt someone pick me up from behind,he tosed me over his shoulder and threw me in the water. I got up and my hair was all over my face. Aidan laughed hysterically as i was just standing there with a straight face trying to keep my laugh in,but i failed.

It started getting a bit cold so we got out of the water and just sat on the stone along the beach after we put our clothes back on when we got dry. "So why bring me here,out of all places we could've gone to?"I asked. "Do you see how the sun's setting?" He asked. I said "yeah" as  i was starring at the the sunset. "I noticed how you like looking at the night sky and the sunrise through the window. So i decided why not bring you here to enjoy the sunset" he said as i started to stare into his deep green eyes. I started blushing so hard that i had to look down so he  couldn't see me. He laughed cause he knew what i was doing. After starring at the sunset for like a half and hour i finally said,"Its getting late,so we should probably get going". He noded than we both got into his car and drove off. The sun was officially set and it was night. He drove to my house to drop me,he got out of the car with me and walked with me to the door.

"Thank you for today Aidan,i had an amazing time with you". I started to blush

"So did i". Aidan said as he was coming closer to me

I felt the warmth on my chest as his was touching mine. He put both his hands on my waist,bringing me closer to him. I felt his breathing on my lips as he leaned in closer to kiss me. I loved this feeling,the feeling with him close to me. But something felt it wasn't the right time. I looked down and put my hands infront of his chest signaling him to back away. He did. "What's wrong?",he asked. "We ca- I c-cant. N-not now." I said as i was still looking down. "Wh-what do you mean you cant?? I want to be with you y/n!" He said as tears where forming in his eyes. "I-i wanna be with you too,but we barely know anything about each other. I dont want to give my heart to someone i barely know" i said hoping he would understand. "Ohh so im a stranger to you!" He said while slightly raising his voice. "Noo...Aidan of course not it's just..."
"NO Y/N! Save it,you obviously just left like playing with my feelings so I'll just go." He then walked off to his car. "Play with you're feelings?!?! Dont you dare accuse me about shit that you're just exaggerating about!!" I shouted at him. He just got into his car and left.

I ran upstairs crying. When i came into my room i grabbed a bag under my bed and took out my cocaine and weed. I sniffed out 5 lines and made my blunt. I was halfway through smoking the blunt when my mom came in my room.

"Y/n what the hell,i heard scream....are you doing drugs?! Again!?!"

"Mom get the fuck out of my room!!"

"N-no you cant do this!!" She tryed getting the bag out of my hand.

"Mom stop it. I need it!!" I kept holding on the bag and eventually lost my grip.

"No!! What you need is professional help!"

"Just get the fuck out of my room!! NOW!!" I walked closer to the door and slammed the door infront of her face.

I sat against the door crying and screaming. 15 minutes later i realized there were still some of that fancy wine under my bed that i still stole from my aunt's house. I took the 3 different types of wines and mixed some of it together in a silver water bottle and put it in my school bag. Just incase.

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