chapter 16

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I nodded and scooted closer to Josie and we watched more movies.

I then heard a knock on the door." It's probably Aidan coming to drop my house's key." I said to Josie and got up from the couch and went to open the door. As soon as i opened the door,Aidan came rushing in the house with a big McDonald's bag,balancing on his arm and in his hand he had two Mcflurry's in a cardboard cup holder and in his other hand he two large drinks,also in a cardboard cup holder. He also had his shades on,when he got in the house he saw Josie looking at him all confused,"Hey! Hey! Heyyy! Here's my best girlfriends!!" Aidan shouted with some girly voice. Me and Josie both shared very confusing looks,i then looked at Aidan and said,"I thought you were just going to bring my house's key,whats all this?" I motioned my hands to all the food.

"Wellll...." Aidan said as he took off his shades. "I might not know a lot about girls,but what i do know is that all girls want to do is stuff there face with food after getting their heart broken. So i bought Josie some food." He said and sat on the couch.

"Uhmm thats sweet if of you but,i think this is a little bit too much." I said looking at all the food.

"Ohh,its also for you. You didn't eat anything yet and i figured you'd beat my ass if i didn't bring some food for you too." Aidan said while rolling eye's.

Josie started busting out with laughter. I chuckled a little bit. "Well you're not wrong." I said and gave a smirk. "But thanks for all this,me and Josie really appreciate it Aidan." I gave him a small perk on his lips.

"She's right Aidan. This is very nice you." Josie said with a comforting smile.

"Ohh,well the gifts aren't done yet!" Aidan said and grabbed out two tickets.

"Whats this?" I said and took the tickets from Aidan.

"It's tickets to that new,fancy club downtown." Aidan replied.

"Are you serious?!" Josie scoffed happily.

"I dont know Aidan,Josie said she just wants to kick back and relax." I said frowning at the tickets in my hand.

"Well forget that...i want to go party!!" She jumped up from the couch and grabbed the tickets out my hand. "Im sorry y/n,you know i love you a lot but you're boyfriend just became my new best friend." Josie chuckled and walked out of the dinning room and into her room,properly to put on some other clothes.

I pulled Aidan up from the couch and pulled to the kitchen,to secure the privacy. "What the hell were you thinking giving those to her!" I whispered and yelled at the same time. "What do you mean?" He said giving a confused look. I looked around to see if Josie was around,i looked back at him and said,"Look,i know you're just trying to make Josie happy and i want to be there for her too but....but there's obviously beer and wine at that club..a-and i dont think i-im ready to be around alcohol yet." I looked down in embarrassment. Aidan put his fingers under my chin and lifted it up and said,"I know you're worried,but dont think about all the wine and beer and those stuff, just...think about....helping Josie,and being there for her. You're strong y/n,you will get through this. I started to blush and gave a wide smile.
I leaned in closer to him,and he slide his hands around my waist and brought me closer to him,i put my arms around his shoulder and our chests were against eachother. I couldn't stop staring at his soft looking lips,my eyes then moved itself to look into his beautiful green eyes. I moved my arm away from shoulder and slide my finger down his sharp jawline and moved it to the bottom of his chin. I brought him even more closer then i leaned in to place his lips together with mine. But before that could happen Josie came in the kitchen.

"Hey!!" She shouted causing me and Aidan to get frightened and quickly jumped away from eachother. We both looked down to our feet in embarrassment.

Josie continued,"You two can have sex on another time...and not in my kitchen,okay??" She said in a fake serious tone. She then grabbed both our hands and dragged us out the kitchen,"Take the food,we gotta go." Josie said. "What,why,were are we going?" I asked while Aidan help me with the rest of the food and we went outside the house. As Josie was locking her door she said,"We need to go to the mall to buy us nice outfits for our girls night at the club. But Aidan's first going to take us to you're house,you're not going to the mall with me looking that."

I actually forgot that i was still in my hoodie,sweatpants and fluffy morning slippers. To be honest,i wasn't really looking forward to this,Girls night out. Its not that long since i quit drinking and smoking,but im afraid if anything goes wrong tonight,and i mean ANYTHING,i know for a fact that i would go back to my old habits. But on the other hand,things are different now,things aren't that bad anymore,me and my mom are finally on good terms,i have a wonderful boyfriend and the people in school aren't being so annoying as usual. Things actually started getting better for me ever since i quit being a junkie. Maby Aidan was right,maby i am stronger now,maby i will be able to get through tonight.

When we got to my house,Aidan gave me small perk on my lips and said," I got to get going before my parents start getting worried aboout me." I nodded and walked Aidan out the door. Josie was already sitting on the couch eating her McDonald's burger and drinking her soda. "Heyy!! Wait for me before you eat everything up!" I said and threw myself on my couch and we both continued to eat the rest of our food.

When we were done eating our food,i took our Mcflurry's out of the freezer,because it was melting in Aidan's car. I gave Josie's Mcflurry and sat next to her,she was just looking down at her Mcflurry and stirred it,i was that she was busy zoning out and eventually tears started appearing in her eye's. Once again,i put my hand on her knee and looked at her,"You okay?" I asked with a small smile. She gave out a sigh,"I will be. Hopefully tonight I'll just be able to dance out all my feelings". She hesitated and sat up straight. "Well...come on,you need to get dressed to go to the mall to buy our dresses. And take a shower please!!" She shouted at me dramatically. I shoved her shoulder playfully and went  to go get ready.

Josie's that happy,bubbly and preppy type of girl,she's always up to date with the new trends and make sure her media knows about it. I would just stick with some back,white or baggy clothes,but i knew how to dress, so i always made it look like a i dont give   fuck about clothes but i make it look cool type of style. Josie's also the school's official Gossip Girl, so she's quite popular and always gets invited to parties,and always drags me with her,im not sure for why cause she always wonders off away from me. So I'd usually just sit with all the stoners and drink and smoke with them while Josie was off dancing with some people. So me and Josie are very different from eachother but we're the best of friends. But you know what they say,Opposites attract.

When i was done showering i put on...

I went downstairs to Josie,she was still on the couch and watching TV

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I went downstairs to Josie,she was still on the couch and watching TV. She saw me coming downstairs so she took the car's keys and gave it to me as we walked out. She locked the door and we got into the car and i drove us to the mall.

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