chapter 34

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Warning:sexual content.
Yall know what to do if you dont want to read it.

Slowly,my mind starts fading away from everything and i lay on my bed completely fast asleep.

I wake up the next morning and take my phone off the the pedestal next to my bed. I checked the time on my phone,it was 11:10 AM. I see a text from Aidan.

Hey,we need to talk.

Yeah,im sorry for throwing that glass of water all over you.

It's okay. I shouldn't have pressured you into telling me what's wrong.

Yeah,but i still feel bad though.

It's okay.

So are we even now?

Lol of course.

I put my phone off and got up from my bed. As i was taking out my clothes to wear for the day i looked at myself in the mirror. My eye's were red and puffy and the dark bags under my eyes managed to get even darker. I looked completely horrible. But just because i look like a nightmare,doesn't mean i dress like one. I put on...

I went downstairs and put some bread in the toaster

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I went downstairs and put some bread in the toaster. "Uhm y/n?" I heard my mom's voice and i turned around to look at her standing in the kitchen. "Yeah mom?" I asked. "Are you back on drugs?" My mom asked in a stern voice.  Im not gonna lie,my heart actually skipped a beat when i heard her ask that. "No." I replied and quickly turn to face back to the toaster. "You're lying!" My mom shouted. "What could possibly make you think that started using again?!" I replied annoyed. "Well except for the fact that you're face look like a piece of shit,Josie's parents called and said that she came back from our house with her face all swollen up and Josie said that she saw you sniffing up cocaine!" I just stood there silently and and felt tears forming up in my eye's. I was way too deep in shit to lie. "Do you have any idea what people are going to say about us?!" My mom complained. "Well i don't give a shit about what people say about me!" I defended myself as my voice started cracking. "You will not talk to me in my house like that!" My mom shouted as she came closer to me. "Why not? Incase the neighbors hear us and talking about us again? Because that's all you seem to fucking care about!" I sassed at my mom. "Enough!!" My mom screamed and slapped me across my face. It didn't hurt that much but im suprised that she actually did it. I held the side of my face and looked at her in shock. "Mom why did you hit y/n?!" Stacy shouted and cried outside the kitchen as she watched us. "Stacy just go to you're room!" My mom shouted at Stacy and she just ran up her room and started crying. I ran up my room and started packing clothes in my bag. At the moment i had no idea where to go but i couldn't stay here anymore. I took my bag and went downstairs. "Where do you think your going?" My mom asked in sarcasm. "Im going away from you,i can't be here anymore." I replied and made my way to the door. "Wow! Best decision you made all throughout your life." I went out and closed the door behind me. I felt my heart sunk down to my feet. I know my mom didn't mean to say that but it still hurt. I went to my car and just started driving.

I ended up stopping at Aidan's house. I got out of my car and knocked on the door. Aidan had opened door and i immediately walked inside and to his room. "Y/n what are you doing?" Aidan said as he was following me to his room. I put my bag down in a corner and looked at him. "Im staying by you for a while." I said and made my hair into a messy bun. "Wait y/n what's going on?" I could tell that Aidan was confused as fuck but i just really needed something get rid of my thoughts. It's not like i could've just smoke or drink infront of him. "Y/n,answer m-" before he could finish his sentence i pushed him onto his bed and sat on top of him. "Y/n,what are you-" "shh!" I put my finger on his lip then leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back and placed his hands onto my waist and we started a good makeout session for a while. I begun to moan in his mouth and he broke the kiss and rolled us over,letting himself on top of me and letting me lay on my back side.
In that moment I'm undone. My desire floods to the surface and my hands run up to his face, kissing him fast and hard. He meets each of my kisses, pulling me closer, his hands up under my sweater,bringing every inch of skin to life with his touch. We pull each other's tops off, hungrily, as he pins me down to the bed, undressing and kissing me all at once. When I'm right down to my pants, opening my legs to him, he stops, kneeling above me, he starts kissing me on my jawline and goes down to my neck,slowly he kisses down to my chest and in between my breasts. He then kisses down my stomach and continues to my inner thighs. He stops and pulls off my pants,then his. He spreads my legs wider. He slips inside of me, controlling my movements with his hands gripping my waist. It's totally overwhelming, but at the same time, I never want it to stop. I swivel round and wrap my legs around his back, gripping onto the back of his neck and looking straight into his beautiful green eyes. "Oh God," he groans and speeds up, pushing me back onto my elbows so that he can lean forwards, and kiss my breasts. When I see that he's about to orgasm I feel so aroused, so full of desire, that I climax, clutching him closer as we shiver against each other. We lie back on the bed and Aidan rests his head on my stomach, slowly stroking my legs. There's so much to say but we're both too exhausted to speak and I wouldn't know where to begin.

We took a moment to ourselves to try and catch our breaths then Aidan lifted up his head and looked at me. "This was amazing but are you going to tell me what's going on now?" I sighed and looked at him. "Can we talk about it tomorrow please? I finally feel a bit relaxed after these few awful days." He nodded in understanding and put on the TV and we watched some Netflix.

I layed my head onto his chest and he held me tightly around my waist. It really feels like Aidan's the only positive person in my life right now. Whenever im with him he just makes me feel so warm and comfortable. It was so hard for me when i lost TP and Josie,im definitely going to try my utmost best to try and keep Aidan in my life.

Sorry for not updating for a while. I didn't have no more data😭. I have quite a few drafts so another chapter's coming up😃

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