"How are you feeling, Dick?" Leslie asks, wondering if there are any other injuries that she needs to address.

Dick is visibly seething, frustrated about his inability to move. He is also irritated by the fact that he recognizes the doctor's voice. Just who else was there? "My name," he flares, "is Renegade."

Realization hits Leslie like a falling anvil, "Oh my god, was it you?" She gasps from above him. Leslie is starting to piece things together, "Did you fucking nuke Gotham?"

Dick growls, but Jason shouts "Yes!" from where he is rummaging around the living room again. What the heck is he looking for?

"What the hell did you do to me?"

Dick is basically naked from when Jason stripped him after arrival at the apartment. Now, he only wore the three wraps around his wrists and calf respectively. Dick would've felt embarrassed and exposed if he wasn't so consumed with anger at the moment. Outrage was his newly found defense mechanism against things he hated- things like not being able to move... (hint hint.)

"Dick, you just killed several hundred people!" Leslie tries, hoping that reason would bring him back to his senses. She doesn't know just how far gone he is, but she hopes that it isn't too bad. Unfortunately, since he had blown up a small portion of Gotham, things weren't looking too good.

Dick snorts, laughing at the fact that she is trying to guilt-trip him. "Should've been five million, but I'd settle for just slaughtering you all. Don't worry, doctor, I'll make sure you don't feel any pain," Dick promises. He pauses a moment as if thinking. "Or maybe not." Out of all three of them, only the apprentice knew that Leslie should've died. Her house had been within the blast radius of the bomb planted at Iceberg Lounge, it is disappointing that it hadn't gone off. To Dick, she is living on borrowed time, and he couldn't wait to take it back.

Regret seeps into Leslie's heart. Her chest tightens painfully and she feels bile rising in her throat. Has she caused all of this? Tears threaten her eyes as she stares at the stranger on the table. Could she have stopped all this death?

If only she had told Batman where Dick was when he ran away.

If only she had convinced Dick to go back home.

If only...

She had saved him.

Strong arms wrap around Leslie in a comforting manner and she lets the tears fall. Jason has returned from his stash of supplies and sees how much seeing Dick in this state hurts her. "This isn't your fault," he soothes. "Go help at ground zero, I'm sure they could use your help," he whispers to the doctor.

"What about Dick? I shou-"

Jason squeezes her gently in reassurance, "I'll handle him. Just do what you can to save others, okay?" She nods and gathers her things, leaving only a bottle of painkillers and some extra bandages. As she is exiting, Jason catches her hand. He looks tired, but his eyes still shine somewhat passionately. "I... um...can-"

"Don't worry, honey," she smiles back at him grimly. "My lips are sealed."

Jason nods in thanks. Then, the door closes and she is gone. A dark look crosses his face as he listens to the sounds of Dick struggling in the kitchen.

He hadn't planned on helping his predecessor, he had had other things he wanted to accomplish. Namely, getting revenge on the Joker/Batman and taking over Gotham's criminal underworld. Y'know, the basics.

However, the more time he spends with Dick, the more he sees how unstable the teen really is. When Dick had attempted to murder him, Jason knows he has to step in.

He had always idolized Dick. I mean, who wouldn't? Dick had always been known for his cheery attitude and charismatic leadership. Failure never discouraged him as he grew and adapted. You knew his sense of justice and iron will would never waver.

"You're seriously starting to piss me off," Dick fumes uselessly. "You better sleep with an eye open tonight."

This is obviously not the real Grayson.

Renegade continues to try to regain control over his body, gasping from the constant stress. After another volley of insults (that are not returned by Jason), he falls to a quiet mumbling. The fury that Dick had felt upon waking up was starting to exhaust. As a lack of options limits the teen's responses, he immediately begins to doubt. Something that has only happened when in the presence of Jason Todd.

"Pathetic. What's Master going to think?" Dick mutters to himself. "Worthless piece of shit. Move."

Jason can practically see Dick's mental health spiral out of control. He had been manipulated and brainwashed by Slade, which only worsened his past trauma with everyone else. If this goes on for much longer, no amount of therapy would help him escape his personal hell.

A harsh smile spreads across Jason's face.

"It's a good thing I came back from the dead," he states smugly. "If anybody knows how to fix mental unhingement, it's me."

Dick shakes off his doubt debuff and scoffs, his vision still dark from the cream. "Ha, I'd like to see you try, you rotten piece of shit. I've been to hell and back. There's nothing you can do to break me."

Now it is Jason's turn to scoff. He crackes his fingers, making Dick very uncomfortable.

"Challenge accepted, bitch."

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