Chapter 47

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Infinity Island
December 23, 6:15 EDT

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Robin follows behind Deathstroke as they walk through the dense bamboo that surrounds the League of Shadows headquarters. The road is smooth dirt leading from the dock to the base on the center of the island, the only break in the forestry surrounding it. The only sounds are of wildlife and Claude's breaths as he hauls a burlap sack. Robin stares stonily at Slade's back, hiding his slight hesitation as they enter the heavily armed building.

"Hide your emotions."  Slade had told him prior to their arrival on Infinity Island. "Do not speak when spoken to, and always be on guard. If this goes sour, you can say goodbye to your life."

Robin is curious to know why but isn't overly concerned with knowing the details. Well, he used to be. When he was a leader, those things were important and could tip the scale from life to death and back again. Knowledge was half the battle.

But he wasn't a leader anymore. 

They enter the large entrance hall, pillars reaching towards a high ceiling and several hidden doors throughout the expanse. As if black and grey were out of season for the assassin group, everything is a deep red. Maybe it was so that they didn't have to clean after an ambassador didn't quite make it to the exit. Talia al Ghul stands in the center of the hall, flanked by two faceless assassins and an annoyed look on her face.

"You're early," she remarks disdainfully.

"And yet here we are," Deathstroke shoots back.

She ignores him and set her green eyes onto Robin. An impressed smile makes its way onto her lips as she draws closer to inspect the teen. Slade merely watches as she clutches his chin, tilting his head so that she could stare into the lens of his domino mask. "This is in the way," she states and peels the adhesive off of his skin.

Dick has to fight the tension from welling up in his body at the removal of his mask. He feels like he is suffocating on his slow breaths as he forced his body to continue his lax manner. He blinks and continues to stare undaunted into Talia's eyes. She narrows her gaze at him, throwing the mask to the ground. Nails rake down his jawline and jugular before a firm hand clasps his throat. Fighting every instinct to preserve his own well-being, he continues to look at the woman unphased. After letting the pressure build just a bit too long, she lets go.

"You were right, that drug you created really did do the job," she compliments. (Dick internally sighs with relief, he had passed.) "He's completely under your control, correct?"

"Control is such a crude statement. He's my apprentice."

She glances at him skeptically for a moment before gesturing for Deathstroke to follow her. Silently, they walk after Talia as she navigates her way through the labyrinth of halls. Rock seems to seep in the floors and walls until they were in a cement crevice of a corridor. Opening a hidden door, she motions for them to enter, but stops Dick in his tracks. "Sorry, hon. Adults only."

Dick feels a spike of irritation but knows that Talia is still watching him. He backs up wordlessly, allowing Claude to pass through before standing beside the door protectively. She eyes him for a bit longer before closing the rocky entrance with the hit of a button. Then, it is silent.

The teen stands there for what feels like hours, his internal clock tells him it has been only half of one. He traces the cracks in the walls with his eyes but is bored easily. Robin could wait for an eternity, but that doesn't mean he likes doing it. He instead, closes his eyes and focused on hearing. It is an attempt to see if he could listen to the conversation inside, but it is too heavily fortified. Instead, however, he does hear something else.

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