Having to mind your manners than enjoying your dessert is the world's most cruelest punishment!!!!!

Of course there's no way that Xieran would be concentrating on anything but his ice cream so he obviously did not notice the chair ahead of him being pulled out and someone sitting there

" Enjoying now are we?"

Hearing someone's voice unexpectedly made Xieran to slightly be shocked but after looking up he just felt the feeling of wanting to puke out the ice cream he ate

'the ice cream suddenly became sour'

" Well who knew you could be such a stalker?"

Xieran raised an eyebrow while placing his chin on his hands on the table

" A stalker? Isn't that rather a not so good title for someone like me?" 

Shi Jin replied with a sly smile

" Oh yes that true , I think 'a dog following it's owner ' would be better but then again I don't want to really use it as it will probably be disrespectful towards dogs, after all even dogs are better than certain humans don't you think so?  " 

Xieran smiled as he asked this with innocent eyes

With corners of his mouth twitching, shi Jin replied

"Well there are certainly dogs that also simply wag their tails and get whatever they want from their owners like certain someone too "

And that was the end line for the jokes, Xierans eyes turned cold as he glared at the person in front of him

"What do you want ?"

" What I want ? Hm that a good question...how about....the thing that you stole from me?"

With furrowed brows , Xieran asked

"Stole from you? As far as I know I don't recall stealing anything from you , I have not come down to your level yet so I don't need to steal "

Hearing that, shi Jin finally had it and slapped his hands against the table as he stood up

"Listen here you fake young master piece of shit! You and your slut of a mother is only here and doing well because of somehow entering the Mo family , don't think too highly of yourself yet "

He closed the distance between himself and Xieran as he grabbed the latter's shirt collar

" And what you stole from me is more precious than your hands can carry so it's better if you just mind your own business , stay low and give me back what was mine!"

" Oh dear, I'm sorry but I'm having a hard time understanding what you're saying after all you're speaking a language I don't know - bullshit"

Xieran gave a bright smile as he spit out those words

There was indeed no way that Xieran would just sit there hearing all that, but he had to control from breaking out because for him the real fun was on its way

"What's going on here?"

' there's my fun! '

Putting on his acting mode, Xieran looked up at Qing Yu with eyes filled with confusion and fright

" Brother...."

Qing Yu saw his brother in such a state and didn't hesitate to push the other out if the way by force

"I'll ask again, what's going on here ?"

And this time his voice didn't have any confusion in them like he had before, it was plain cold

"Brother.....he suddenly came over to our table and started talking about my mother and me ....he called my mother a slut and talked trash about me ....I don't know what I did brother...."

[.....host I'm definitely preparing an oscar award for you ....]

' thank you, thank you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) '

While Xieran was talking with bella, qing Yu practically had a face that screamed "I'm gonna murder someone"

"Please don't listen to him sir. He is lying ! You should know not to trust his kind , they come from a commoner background and once they get into a high positioned family they will think they are higher than everyone! He is the same ! He is just absolutely tr-"

Shi Jin was unable to finish his words as before he could even complete he felt a hard force against his cheek and a heavy pain , and thats when he realized

He got punched

Mo Qing Yu punched him

Taking his phone out, qing yu made a quick call to his assistant

" You better come pick you cousin up before I send him to hospital"

After saying that Qing Yu took hold of Xieran and brought him out if the store

" Are you alright?"

"Yes brother ...."

" I can't believe the nerve of him, I was out for few minutes and these things happen! "

Hearing the frustration in qing yu's voice , Xieran quickly spoke

"It's alright brother, you don't need to be angry ...these things can happen "

Having his anger slightly extinguished,
Qing Yu spoke as he walked in the front

" I couldn't protect you even from words....I wasn't there by your side at all...I wasn't there....I wasn't...."

"Brother are you alright?"

Xieran asked as he felt concerned, qing Yu was... well..acting weird

"I promised to protect you....yet I had my hands covered in your blood ...."


"I promised....."

"Brother what's wrong with you?"

" I couldn't protect you once, and now here...I couldn't be by your side when you needed me ........."

' bella whats wrong with him?'

[He *beeep* *static * no *static*]

' what?'



"Our love is like the eternal snow.....you will melt away from my life if I don't hold on to you...."



" ........Reine?"

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