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Lately , Shen Li had only one problem ....and that was his boss!

Of course , following through his boss's requests and answering his questions are his duty but!

When ! When did he ever sign a contract saying he had to also take care of his brother?!!

Now in the office , the main things his boss Mo Qing Yu would ask him are :

"What is Xieran doing? "

"Did you check on Xieran ?"

"Is Xieran's classes over?"

"Go pick Xieran up "

It was always Xieran this , Xieran that!

And the answer?

How was he supposed to know?!!

He has been cooped up in the office doing his work and suddenly was assigned the task of babysitting his boss's younger brother ?!!

Assistants need a say in these sort of things!!!

It would have been fine if it was simply babysitting but why?!

Why was he being fed dog food from all direction?!

He would be doing nothing and suddenly dog food would be pouring down on him !!!

And this day was not any different from the rest,

Xieran knocked on the door to his brother's office and opened the door slightly to just put his head through it

Only seeing a head filled with bunch of fluffy hair through his door, Qing Yu couldn't help think of how he looked like a bunny looking out of his burrow, concealing his smile, he spoke ,

"You're back , come i-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Xieran had cut him off

"Yeah iam, I'll be going now brother , I'm going to take a stroll through the building !"


The door closed the next second, with only Qing Yu staring at it speechless


Xieran who had said goodbye within a second of meeting his brother was leisurely walking through the building while looking around

The last time he was taking a walk , rose was accompanying him and had introduced him to most of the workers so it wasn't really too hard now

'bella! C'mon , y r u not saying it ? Obviously Qing Yu's affection level for me has increased so how is the mission status right now ?'

[ Showing mission status :

Prove his innocence - 0%
• bring the one who accused him to daylight -0%
• protect his brother -10%
• improve his relationship with his brother - 32%]

"Ahh atleast something improved...'

[ That's true host , it is hard to find out the person behind the originals death so its not really a bad thing that the first two mission status is still on 0 , infact just completing one of them itself will automatically complete the other !]

' yeah , both of them are basically to find the same person probably , just that we don't have a heads up yet , the FL has been doing nothing and there are no other major suspects that we know of so it's not e-'

"I'm extremely sorry sir! I know Mo Qing Yu was supposed to be done by now!"


Xieran stopped by the corner and listened to the person speaking on the other side on the phone

'bella get to work'

[Yes host]

" I dont know what happened! It didn't look like he was not going to sign the contract at first but somehow he didn't sign it and cancelled the contract "


"Yes sir"

"I will not fail again sir !"

"Yes sir , I'll make sure to do something !"

"Thank you sir!"

"Yes of course, I'll contact you later sir "


Xieran had listened to this side of the conversation on the phone and kept on hiding until he heard the footsteps going away

With a smile , Xieran came out of the corner and sat by one of the lounge chairs

'my dear bella, I think we may finally have something to climb on'

[I think so too host !]

'so? Did you get hold of the full call ?'

[ Yes host but I was unable to know who the person on the other end was as it was hard to break through the security in this short time]

'it alright, we'll find them out eventually but for now show me the entire conversation '

[Yes host ! The conversation is going to be played in 3...2....1

Person on the other side : what have you been doing?! The work was supposed to be done !

"I'm extremely sorry sir! I know Mo Qing Yu was supposed to be done by now!"

" I dont know what happened! It didn't look like he was not going to sign the contract at first but somehow he didn't sign it and cancelled the contract "

Other side: " what has happened is now in the past , but I will not tolerate any more failures!"

"Yes sir!"

Other side : "if u fail again, know the consequences"

"I will not fail again sir"

Other side: " I don't care what you do now, our side shouldn't be found out and that's all that matters ! How you deal with Mo Qing Yu is your business now"

"Yes sir , I'll make sure to do something !"

Other side : "the earlier you complete the job , the more your pay will be , I wouldn't mind adding in extra too if it's done flawlessly"

"Thank you sir!"

Other side : "I'll be waiting for the good news "

"Yes of course, I'll contact you later sir "


Conversation over ]

' well as expected they were after Qing Yu's life , time to return to the office '

[ Yes host but.... aren't you curious as to who the person on your side was ?]

'oh them ? I already know it , I recognize the voice very well '

Xieran answered with a smile

'now bella, your work for today , take note of that person's every action and report back if anything wrong or out of ordinary takes place '

[Yes host ! I'll be taking my leave now ]



While walking back to the office , Xieran only had one thought while having a small smirk on his lips

"You've walked straight into the lion's mouth , little mouse "

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