Arc 3.2

430 25 5

'so...? What's my goal for this world bella?'

[Since you failed the last one, the goals for this world is only... one]

Ace sat upright in surprise
'oh? That will be easy then I guess, what is it?'

The system smiled wickedly as it replied [survive until the given time]


[(⁠ ͝⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ͡⁠°⁠)]

Ace closed his eyes as he tried to control the temper ready to break out '.....bella, do realise that Iam literally walking on death in this world right? As in every single thing can kill me....'

The system replied cheerfully:

[Ofcourse I do! But who asked you to fail the previous mission host~]

Ace took a deep breath as he replied
'once again, I didn't fail it, your ML failed it'

[Same thing, you are star crossed lovers  from what we've seen, so his blame is yours to equally carry] the system replied wickedly

Ace was about to reply when the limo came to a sudden halt, looking out the window he noticed that the car limo was travelling in was surrounded by police cars making him sigh as he got out

Looking around at the police officers surrounding him, he playfully smiled as he spoke

"My oh my, I didn't know we were playing tag today"

Even though numerous guns were pointed at him, he continued to smile playfully until a voice replied from behind him

"Well now you do, and seems like the game's over now"

Before Ace could reply he felt himself being pushed face first into the car door as his hands were pulled back and handcuffed, making him groan before playfully replying

"Oh a bit kinky aren't we?"

As soon as he told that he immediately flipped his position so that now though his hands were handcuffed he was facing the police officer who handcuffed him

Ace looked at the blonde man infront of him smirking as he replied

"You could have just shown yourself to me...I would have happily put my self in handcuffs for you"

The officers brows twitched in anger as he stared down at the carefree man

"Save the charm for the judge. You're going away for a long time."


Ace kept intense eye contact with the man as he replied to her

'what is it bella?'

[ *Cough* that's Lucas knight....]

'hm? Who?'

[ *Cough cough* the ML.....]

Ace suddenly felt like he had facial paralysis, his smirk wouldn't fall and he couldn't break the eye contact as his mind went 100miles/second

' bella! Why didn't you tell me earlier! '

The system was awfully quite suddenly

Lucas looked at the man infront of him and raised an eyebrow as he watched him freeze on spot before calling to another officer nearby

"Take him to the station"

Ace was dragged into the station in handcuffs and made to sit across a table from the ML who shifted his handcuffs from behind him to now infront, he had gotten over the sudden shock and was now back to his character style.

Let me be lazy please!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя