arc 2.21

932 44 13

*ring ring*

*Ring ring ring*


"AHH- motherfu- when will he stop?!!"

Xieran shouted as he clutched the phone in his hands that was ringing nonstop while the screen showed the caller id as qing yu

[He would if you pick up his calls host]

'i won't'

[Then he won't either, you do realise you have the option to mute the phone right host? ]

'do you think I'm dumb bella? Ofcourse I know I can mute the phone but I need the phone to be as loud as it can so I can make this scenario play out!'

[ ....] Bella went silent looking at her host who was crouching in an alleyway purposely looking homeless and sad

[ Are you sure this plan will work host?]

' have I ever failed at causing drama? '

[ No.] Bella replied with confidence

[ Infact you're the first host I've ever seen that is so successful at carrying on scripts that scream pure nonsense]

'.....remind me again bella, how many points do I need to buy you a body? Because my hands are itching to "caress" you'

The poor system shivered as she changed the subject

[He's here host]

Immediately shifting his attention back to the surrounding, xieran did his usual method of not blinking until tears formed and pretended to have been crying as a figure passed by in the road nearby who stopped and hesitantly walked over to him.


Xieran looked up 'pitifully' and his expression turned surprised before calling out "shen Li....?"

Shen li looked at his bosses youger brother looking pitiful before being concerned and immediately crouching down to him

"Are you alright sir?! What happened? Give me a moment I'll call your brother! Please don't be worried! "

Xieran suddenly held his hands and fake cried a bit more

"No! Don't call my brother..."

Shen li looked at xieran and wondered what was wrong with the boy who would always run to his boss

"Is everything alright sir?"

Xieran bit his lips as if hesitant before answering while having his head down

"I had a fight with brother and ran away from home....I can't go back now and I don't know where else to go...I don't have any money with me either..."

Shen li as if finally figuring out what has happened smiled a little and patted xieran head in a nurturing manner before saying

"Whatever happened has happened sir, I'm sure you're brother must be looking around worried for you"

Xieran stubbornly shook his head and continued acting

"No, I won't go back to him"

Looking at the 'pitiful' child, shen li sighed and suggested

"Then how bout you stay the night at my family home? I can't leave you alone here after seeing you in such a state or boss will kill me tomorrow"

Achieving the result he wanted, xieran hid a smirk and looked at shen li with hope in his eyes

"Really? You will let me stay the night? You won't tell my brother will you?"

Shen li gave a nurturing smile and replied

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