arc 3.3

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"really? 'catch me if you can?' " phoenix asked as he drove back to their mansion

"What? That's a good exit line you know? Don't you watch the movies? The villains always say a good exit line!" Ace spoke as he leaned back and got comfortable in his seat

Phoenix furrowed his eyebrows as he continued to drive

"Don't call yourself a villain, you idiot"

"But iam a villain In a lot of people's life"

"You might be one in others life but not in mine or yours so don't call yourself that"

Ace chuckled as he playfully nudged phoenix shoulder

"You're cute when you're caring"

Phoenix scoffed, "caring for you? Dream on"

Ace laughed as he teased;

"You know you do"

Phoenix simply rolled his eyes as ace continued

"By the way, I need you to do something for me"

"What is it?"

"remember that officer who couldn't take his eyes off me when I strutted out?"

Phoenix raised an eyebrow and replied

" You mean the one who looked like he wanted to punch you to death after your little theatre performance? Yes, I do"

Ace didn't take him seriously as he smiled and replied

" Yes! Exactly! I need you to do some digging on him. Get me the lowdown—his name, family, his favorite donut flavor, the whole nine yards."

Rolling upto the mansion, phoenix parked the car as he got out and frowned

"His name and family information I understand, but why in the world do you want to know his favourite donut flavor"

Ace playfully gasped as he himself got out and stared at phoenix

"To ask him out on a date ofcourse!"

Phoenix gave him a "are you for real" face as he replied

"you know, flirting with the law might land you in a different kind of custody sooner or later"

Ace laughed as they went inside the mansion

"You know I'm joking! But im serious about gathering the information though, get it as soon as you can"

Phoenix walked next to him as subordinates who passed by greeted them respectfully

"Is there any particular reason you want his details? I didn't see anything important in him"

Ace lied with a straight face

"You see, at first I thought he was just arresting me for the little murder I did on that bastard in the street but as we sat in that room- his animosity took me off guard, he seemed to have some serious issue with me which made me wonder if I had ever crossed paths with him before"

Phoenix never suspected ace so he naturally gave a nod as he replied

"I'll get right on it then"

Ace gave a nod and was about to walk towards his room when he was stopped by a hand holding him back, looking back he noticed the furrowed brows of phoenix making him tilt his head, silently asking what was wrong

Phoenix's lips thinned into a line as his furrow got deeper and asked softly

"Back at the station..Did he hurt you...?"

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