🌟 IM BACK!!! 🌟

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Ik ik, even I can't believe I'm finally back like damn! It's been almost half a year!

Idk if anyone out there might have thought " did this author die from covid or smthg?"

The answer is :



I didn't die from covid ...

But I did almost see the doors to hell from college

I just finished ma first year and I'm so done 🤣

We'll leave all tht, I didn't have Wattpad on ma phone so i didn't know what was happening here and then just an hour or so earlier I re-installed it and fck I was shook.

I had - no joke - 3000+ notif in Wattpad

Like wtf?!

So I took time to go through them all and I replied to sm comments and there were other comments asking me to update soon -

Dw people, I'm finally back so u can expect the updates

The update schedule will be sporadic but the next chapter will come out smwhere in the week- hopefully y'all still waiting 🤣

For whoever that waited - thanxs a lot ( I won't be snitching on u to xieran 🤣)

For the new comers - wlcm to the world of unknown which is few degrees north of freezing to death and located solidly on the meridian of misery .

Glad to have you 💜

Anyway I'm off for today, just wanted to inform y'all about this.

Once again- next update will be smwhere in this week.

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