arc 2.13

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{sry for the delay guys, I was busy with collg }


Xieran was now back in Qing Yu's office and just as predicted Shen Li had come in with a drink that received a beautiful warning from Bella

What the warning might be?


It's poisoned

To be precise the drink has slow acting poison in it .

And as for the goal?

The obvious , to have Mo Qing Yu drink it

Is it going to work?


After Shen Li placed the ordered drink and left , Xieran prepared for his act

He quietly got up from the couch and headed towards the table

When he reached the end of the table where the drink was placed , he acted as if he lost balance and knocked the drink down

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry brother, i dont what happened, I'll get a new one for you !!"

Mo Qing Yu glanced at Xieran, then at the spilled drink on the floor and back again

Finally he sighed nd spoke ,

"It's alright, just be careful next time , I'm busy right now so just go and ask one of the cleaners to come and clean "

"Okay! I'll be right back ! "

Getting out of the office , Xieran smiled , while the confused bella asked,

[I thought you were going to drink that instead]

The smile Xieran had on his face went as he replied

" Bella, dear, who in the right mind would drink something after knowing it's poisoned? "

[ I know, but that's why I asked , you're not normal host ! ]


System who was sweat dropping after accidentally saying out it's thoughts :

'just keep whistling bella, just keep whistling' the system tried to calm herself

"I'm definitely buying you that physical body"

Xieran said with determination , which caused the poor system to sweat drop even more thinking of their past conversation of it's host killing her once he buys a physical body for her ( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ )

"Well let's leave this , now tell me, did you find anything fishy when you were keeping track of that person? "

[Fishy? Yes!! The fish in her freezers did smell fishy ! ]



"...i need to purchase that body function fast ..."

[....] 'Host why are you so keen on killing me....(╥﹏╥)'

"*Sigh* I'm not even going to bother asking how you were even able to smell , just tell me if anything weird had happened "

[ Yes well, they have been doing their normal job for most of the time but there was a call before Shen Li had bought over the drink with them telling that they have poisoned the drink, and there was also a conversation about meeting up but it seems the other side denied their request ]

"Okay , keep me updated on their moves "

[Yes host ]

"Also check the CCTV footage in this building to see if their act of poisoning the drink was captured "

[Yes host ]

" Final task , find out how they were able to get hands on the slow acting poison "

[ Of course host ]

Having said everything he wanted , Xieran walked over to the cleaning staff section and asked for someone to go to Qing Yu's office

After doing that , He went over to the nearest Cafe to order a drink

Though the drink costs only about 20 yuan , he had to admit .....

He was broke!

He had only 10yuan left!!

Those who ever thought he was rich , go and die!

His family was rich not him!!


'What's the use of complaining , I'll just do some jobs here and there in the company like how my brother wants and I'll earn something for living '

Thinking that way , the broke Xieran and his remaining 10yuan dragged themselves back to the company

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