Arc 1.13

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When he decided to cry once more the door to the room was slammed open, and in came a furious prince

Reine was getting really impatient, and when he finally lost his last shred of patience he decided to go over to meet Leo but what he didn't expect was to hear the cries of his beloved as soon as he turned the corner of corridor leading to Leo's father's room, worried he quickly dashed over and knocked the door open

What he saw made him be filled with rage, his beloved was on the floor covered in blood and his father was torturing him senseless

"Guards!!!" Reine shouted on top of his lungs causing his stationed guard to rush in

"Arrest that bastard!" Reine commanded as he pointed at Albert (Leo's father) and continued "Keep him in the prison for now, I will deal with him later"

As soon as the guards took care of the person who was resisting and shouting, Reine immediately turned his attention to the man on the floor

He called in the medics as soon as possible, and while the doctors where examining Leo inside the room, Reine outside looked as if his wife was about to give birth causing many of the soldiers and workers to stare at the scene with amusement in their eyes even though they felt bad for the situation

Around half an hour later the doctor took care of all the wounds present on Leo's body and left

After knowing that his love was fine he immediately asked the workers to prepare for a departure later that evening and asked Ximen to take care of all of Leo's belongings

Leo who was 'beaten up' and 'tortured' from other's point of view was looking at the ceiling with a smirk as if he enjoyed the torture

'Dear Bella~' he called sweetly,, causing the poor system to shiver from the sudden mood swings of his host

[Yes host?]

'How is my progress bar?'

[Mission status:

Destroying the female Lead : 72%

Living a happy life: 98%

Finding true love: 88% ]

'Hm good, even though the progress is rising it's all too easy, are all beginners world this easy and boring?'

[Since it is host's first time doing a mission the higher ups have given me the task of providing you the easiest world in order to gain experience, it is the same with other Host's in the space too]

'Okay...By the way wasn't I true when I said that I needed to get an award for my acting?' Leo asked with a big smile on his face


'Oh c'mon you can't deny it!'


'Huh? What do you mean 'perhaps'?' Leo asked, his gaze intensifying

[N-No host, y-your acting was absolutely p-perfect, magnificent, marvelous, fantastic, unimaginable, out of the world....] The system who was scared to death started blabbering random words

'I know, I know' Leo had a smug look on his face while receiving the half hearted praise from the system

[......'Is my host a tsundere?'] the poor system thought as he stared at his now laughing host

Meanwhile, Reine had took off to the palace to provide the 'world-class' service to a certain someone

As he reached his destination, he quietly went towards the prison from where muffled sounds where coming which increased to shouting as he neared the prison

Standing in front of the prison he released a cold aura scaring the shit out of the guards stationed there, making them light a candle for whichever prisoner was in the prison at that moment

With a smirk, Reine slowly entered the prison through which the angry shouting was from and came Face to face with the one and only Albert

"You dare to hurt him?" Reine asked, eyes looking so cold that someone might actually freeze in fear looking at them "I will teach you what real pain is" he stated calmly as he closed the prison cell

And throughout the night, people could hear painful screams and cries of agony coming from the prison, non dared to go take a look as they know how it was if they angered their prince

The next day when the guards were asked to clean up the mess, they wanted to puke at the sight, the guy had probably wanted to die last night as he no longer had an arm, his legs were just hanging there completely dislocated, blood was flowing from all over the body from all the needle that were pocked into him, the skin on his chest was burned, his precious manhood was cut off, and even if he wanted to cry and scream he couldn't, as he no longer had a tongue in his mouth....

....The said person was Albert, who lost the same arm he dared to raise against the prince's most important person

Looking at the bloody prison the soldiers where more terrified of their prince that they decided that they would even throw their life away to protect that young master Leo than getting tortured for not throwing away their life and not protecting him!

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