Arc 1.6

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Reading these letters brought a faint smile on to Leo's lips as he carefully arranged the letters and flowers

The last letter came in today so he still has one week left to figure out who the person is

Leo was thinking about who the person might be when ximen came in with a bowl of soup

"Leo, I have brought you some soup" Ximen's voice brought Leo out of his thoughts and he quickly took the bowl and drank it

Even while drinking he was thinking about the mysterious stranger and he suddenly had a thought in mind as he turned to ximen

"Ximen, the person sending me these letters had they come in today?"

Ximen who heard his question was sweat dropping and tried to avoid his gaze while slowly mumbling 'No'

"I see, I am tired so I will take some rest meanwhile you can go out and enjoy, you have been taking care of me for so long, you deserve some free time" Leo ushered

"Thank you, please take care of yourself and if you need anything please feel free to inform me" Ximen said as he walked out of the room

Once Leo confirmed that ximen was indeed gone he took out a paper and pen from his shelf and started scribbling words in it

"Dear mysterious stranger,

Thank you for your concerns and I am sorry to have troubled you, I strongly believe that you are not going to show yourself to me if not you would have written your name in those letters that you have sent therefore I could only think of this way of communication, I do not know when you come to my room but I am sure you will be able to find this letter once you enter so I am writing down what I wish to tell, your letters have indeed made me happy when I woke up and the flowers you brought were also beautiful, thank you for being considerate and I hope that I could meet you someday

Once again my sincere apologies for making you worry


Leo Azkehle Xellos"

Leo wrote and kept the letter by his side table and went to sleep so that he can talk to the system in a much more peaceful manner

It was around mid night and one could see the door to the room slowly opening and a shadow of a person coming in, the room was dark therefore making anyone unable to see the person's face, the person slowly but quietly walked towards the bed side and looked at the sleeping figure gently caressing his hair, then he was about to place his letter on the side table when he noticed another letter on it, he slowly opened the letter and read it silently

The moonlight shone through the window and you could see a small smile on the face of the person holding the letter as he turned to look at the sleeping figure with his golden eyes, gently he leaned towards the sleeping figure and gave him a small peck on the forehead

He took out another piece of paper and started writing something down and left the room after placing the letter on the table

When Leo woke up in the morning he found another letter and could not believe that his plan actually worked, it was just yesterday that Leo received the notice that his love meter has increased to 8% after the stranger read the letter

Leo quickly took the letter and eagerly read the content

"Mysterious stranger huh? I like that name, and love do not apologize you did not cause me any trouble what so ever but I must say you are too polite, I never expected such a letter to be waiting for me but I was extremely happy when I read your letter, and what you said is true, I do not plan on showing myself to you just like that if possible try finding me in this short duration, I will be waiting for you

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