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Well I'm back !!

Tho for a short period only .

I wanted to say tht I'm extremely thankful for everyone's patience nd replies !

Regarding the hiatus ,

As I've said before tht once I get on track with ma studies I'll update nd thts exactly wht I'm gonna be tlkg bout

There's a gud news nd a bad news!

Gud news is tht I'll be updating soon !

Bad news....

It'll be only next month !

Cuz I hv ma first yr exams next week or so nd it last till the end of this month so I will not be able to update this month


Y'all cn expect an update in the 1st week of next month itself !!!

I hope ur patience last till then 😅

Or else well ig I'll just hv to wait 🤣

Nyway thnxs for the support till now 💜

Let's see again next month , but with an update!


(P.s: if nyone hv any gud drama or anime recommendations kindly tell me cuz I need smthg to watch for relaxation, I don't like romance genres much so it would be nice if it doesn't hv romance in it !😅)

Let me be lazy please!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora