Chapter 3 ( Favourite place, huh? )

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" Tell me, are you gonna follow me or not? It is nothing like I could force you to come. It is also not like I want you to come badly. Make your decision right now. " Cathy is being childish to my surprise.

 " Yup,  I will come with you, Cathy. Relax a bit, alright?" I smile as I say that.

 " You don't need to tell me that. I am relaxed." she pouts.

 " OKay then .. "

 I am really amazed today. Her reaction are the ones that she has never shown me. Not even once. Honestly, I am really glad to know her different sides. The more I find out, the more I like her. Nothing can stop me from being so much into her. 

" Cathy, aren't you mad at me?" I ask. ...... I don't get a reply from her so I look at her.

 " Of course not, silly. " she answers finally.

 " It depends on the people . You might not enjoy novels because you have not read one. But I am sure that once you have read the one I recommend , you are gonna love it .I am sorry too.. " Her answer makes me feel relieved that at least she is not mad. 

"Anyway, you don't need to apologize , Cathy. But I feel sorry to see your cold and serious face."

" Don't be, my personality depends on my mood. No need to worry and don't take things I said seriously. " Cathy says.

" Ok then. " as long as she is happy or fine with it, I am ok , too.

I feel her stop walking. When I look at her, she is gazing somewhere. I could see her relaxation and peace in her eyes. Without hesitation, she walks there, the place where we can see the river view. The river name is unknown. I have seen that many times but I have never stopped to look at that. I follow Cathy. 

" Look, Juliet . What a brilliant view, don't you agree?" she seems so much in love with that sunset scenery of the river. I look at it, yeah.. so beautiful. A nice warm air passes through us.

"I can't agree more, Cathy" I answer with full of honesty. This place sure is magical. 

" Juliet, this is my favourite place. I wish I could spend my life, looking at this scenery with my partner. That would be so romantic! " . She seems to be enjoying the view a lot just in the same way when she read the novel. A partner you say? I wish it is me . 

"It is quite late, let's head to my house, girl." We continue our way. In a few minutes, we reach her house. It is a big house but nobody is inside. 

" Do you live alone , Cathy? " I ask. 

" Well, yeah. My parents work in other town but sometimes they come back. During this time, my big sister often visits here. She is studying in a town nearby and she stays with her roommates which are also her classmates" 

Such courage you have there, Cathy. Living alone in a big house must have been hard. For me, I couldn't even imagine living alone. 

" Are you afraid of bugs and cockroaches?? " I wanna know if she feels the same, too. 

" No. They are just insects, no big deal!" she answers as if she could even grab one . 

" Really? Unlike me.. " I can't help but say that out loud. I am always gonna be enemies with those insects . 

" You scared? Don't worry , Juliet. There is none of them in this house. You are safe here! " she smiled brightly.

 " Even if there is one, I will get rid of it and protect you ".

I no longer see her cold and serious face, she has turned back to normal Cathy. No matter which face she uses, I am always ok with them.

 The insides of the house looks so clean and tidy. The air in the house is so warm and peaceful. She leads me to her room which is upstairs. To my surprise, her room is large.. , way larger than mine. I know I would get a bigger room without my big brother, humph!.

  Cathy passes me a book. It is called " The Ally". Although the book seems boring , I accept to borrow it from her. I also see many books in her bookshelf and I hear her saying something like ...    " Ah I want a nice book from someone as a birthday present."

" Let's have something downstairs. Follow me!" she ran down to the kitchen and I follow her. 

" Drink up!" Cathy offers me a cup of lemon juice . Sour but nice. I like that.

 " It is my favourite, Juliet" Cathy says.

 " I like it , too. " I reply. Cathy suddenly calls out somebody. 

" NOOWY!" A puppy appears and gets over Cathy. 

" This is Noowy, my pet dog! " she says with a smile.

 " Ah, really? It is really cute! Does it bite? " I ask for certainity cuz I don't wanna be bitten by it.

 " NO. It doesn't. He is two years old . Noowy is so friendly. Here! "

 Cathy hands me Noowy as she says. Noowy is on my hands right now. He is cute. He has got a long brown fluffy fur, quite big but not that big.   He also licks me a lot and yes... he is friendly. A few minutes later, he gets off .

It is 6 o'clock right now.

 " Cathy, it is a bit late. I am gonna go back . Thanks a lot for today. I had so much fun ." 

" Sure Cathy, have a safe trip home ! See ya ! "

I say goodbye to Cathy and leave the house. On my way back, I pass through the place that Cathy likes. The suns goes down yet it is still pretty. 

A lot of great things happened today. I enjoy it. ~~

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