Chapter 37 ( The Confession )

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Last night, I text big brother about Cathy's birthday. I didn't chat with Cathy though because I know she might be reading the book. Today, I go to school early so that maybe I could buy something for Cathy on the way to school. I see a store near it and I go inside to look around. There are many stationaries and small notebooks. But one of the diary book catches my eye. The book cover is like A Fated Autumn.. leaves falling down. I heard that Cathy likes Autumn so maybe I will buy this. I grab the book and search for something else. I see many things that would Cathy uses or likes. And finally, I find myself standing at the counter holding a diary book, a pen and a bookmark. I am out of ideas. And these things don't really cost a lot. I feel bad not knowing what to give her. But anyway , I end up buying those, hoping she would love these and continue my way to the school.

I enter the classroom as I reach there and as soon as I open the door, I wish that Cathy is alone so that I can give the present freely.. And yes, luckily, Scarlett hasn't arrived so I rush towards her and whispers " Happy Birthday, Florence " from her back. She is reading a book that we bought yesterday and seems to be a bit surprised when she hears me.

" Wow.. You are here. Thanks, Liam! You are the first to say that to me. " she smiles at me like usual but I can tell something is wrong with her as soon as I see her face. She is not actually smiling. It seems like she is keeping something from me.

" Hey you ok?? " I ask.

" Well, I am actually fine.. " she answers.

" Ok then and guess what? I bought these for you. " I hand her a bag of things I bought for her and she takes out them one by one. I sit beside her for a while.

" You don't mind if I sit here for a while before Scarlett comes, right? "

" I don't mind. And Liam, I love all of the things you bought for me. I do write a diary and the current one I have is starting to run out of pages. Thanks to you, I don't need to buy a new one. You know, I promise I will write everything about you guys in this book every single day. Wow, you come with a pen , too. I guess I will write with this for today. Oh.. Liam, you sure know me, huh?? I can use this bookmark every time I read a book. You really are a good friend! I am glad to have you in my life. Thank you! " She puts down everything and hugs me. She is warm.. Ah.. Cathy, I find myself falling for you again.. I hug her back and for a while, I want to whisper in her ears how much I love her ..

" Hey hey hey hey hey!!!!!!!!!!! " that annoying voice.. must be big brother.. Cathy suddenly let go of me and she seems to be embarrassed when big brother see both of us hugging. I also stand up as I see Scarlett behind big brother. She won't like to see me sitting on her seat. I sit down at my own seat and big brother whispers to me.

" Having a nice time?? I am sorry if I ruin it, haha " big brother laughs mockingly, trying to tease me. By the way, I should ask about his relationship with Scarlett because he doesn't know that me and Cathy were watching at them yesterday,

" So how's with Scarlett?? " I ask him.

" Man, things turn out very well yesterday.. I confess her and she feels the same , too. " he seems very happy about it and I also act to be very excited to hear that.

" That's cool! So you guys are now more than buddy-buddy??? "

" Seems that way.. hehe"

" I didn't remember saying I love you, though! " Scarlett says as she hears us talking.

" Come on, admit that you did say you love me, sweetheart! " big brother says.

" Sw- sweetheart?? That's gross for you to call me that! " she says.

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