Chapter 36 ( Holding Hands )

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We leave the school and walk home together. Usually, I go home together with the three of them but today, I am alone with Cathy. I love her and I know it myself but I wonder what will she say if she doesn't really love me. I glace at her. She is always smiling whatever the situation is. I also wonder whether she feels lonely.

" Hey, you are always smiling. Have you ever gone mad like Scarlett? " I ask.

" No. I don't think so. I always like making other people happy. I am impressed that you notice my smiles. " she smiles at me.

" Oh right.. " I once read that a person who keeps everyone happy often ends up being alone.

" Ah! I forgot something! " she gasps.

" At school?? " I ask.

" No. Actually I want to buy a book in a nearby bookstore. But I planned to go there with Scarlett and now she is not here.. "

" Oh you need that?? I can come with you, if you want. " I say.

" Really?? But wouldn't it be too late when we return home?? " The sky becomes dark. She is right. It would be around 7 when we reach home. However, it is okay for me as I am not a girl anymore..

" Hey. It is okay. I will walk you home. Leave it to me and let's head to your bookstore. " I say with a smile.

" Wow.. That would be nice. Thanks a lot, Liam! " she says. Uh.. I would be happier if she calls me Juliet. I prefer my old name...

" I am just curious but why would you need a book? Is it because you want to read it yourself or wanna give someone as a present?? " I ask.

" Bingo! I have to tell you this , too. Actually, tomorrow is my birthday.. How stupid of me to forget inviting you guys... I already planned to invite you but I just forgot.. " she says.

" Well, it is fine. You can just call Scarlett to invite her. I will inform Will about it , too. No worries.. So tomorrow is your 16th birthday? "

" Yep! Ok then I will do as you say. I will just call Scarlett. "

" So you are gonna buy yourself a book?? "

" Yes. I am gonna be reading it tonight. It is actually my habit. I always read a book before my birthday. I don't know why but I must admit that reading a happy book keeps me happy the next whole day."

" Ah.. I see. Thanks for explaining. " I smile at her.

" Liam, the store is here. " she says. We reach the store and go in. Cathy starts searching the book she wants. She says the title of the book is " The Invincible Happiness. " So, I also try searching it for her.

" Found it! " I tell her as I take the book.

" Is this the one you want?? " I ask her, holding the book. She looks at it and nods.

" Yup! That's the one! " She seems happy and takes the book from me. We buy it and return home. She puts the book into her schoolbag.

" Thanks for helping me out, Liam. I really appreciate it. Scarlett is not as patience as you.., you know? " She says.

" I am glad to be able to help you out today, too. Haha.. I can guess Scarlett is not a patient type.. " I smile.

" I know right! " she says.

" By the way, is your birthday gonna be held tomorrow after school? " I ask.

" Yes. Actually, you three are the only people I invite. " she says.

" Really?? What about your parents?? "

" They have an important appointment tomorrow and I have to celebrate my birthday alone and I don't want to. So , I asked my parents if I could invite my friends and they said it is fine so I invite you guys. You will come, right?? "

" Of course! I'd love to. I am not gonna miss your birthday. I will difinately show up, don't worry. "

" I am happy to hear you say that. Anyway, Liam.. Do you still remember the time I tell you about the people inside my heart?? " she asks me.

" Mn. I remember it. "

" Well, this is kinda strange to say but whenever I am with you guys, I feel like I am having fun with the people in my heart. It is odd but I really love that feeling. " she says.

" Really?? Well, who knows? Maybe we were once together, too. Don't you think? " I ask her.

" Yea.. Sounds like that but I must admit I love being with you, too. " she smiles at me. I wanna hold hands with her... But I am afraid she won't like that.

" Don't you think I am boring?? "

" No. I never thought about it. All I know is that you are kind and sweet. You also try to make everyone happy, don't you?? " she asks.

" Hm.. you think so? "

" Yeah. Look, even today, you try to leave Will and Scarlett alone so that they can spend their time together and clear up, right?? " she says. Come to think of it, she is right.

" Yea.. now that you say it, I think so too." I really wanna hold hands with her.. I am just being very boring. I mean... if I don't make a move, I won't be able to keep her , right?? I decided not to let go of her but still I haven't even started making a move.. I wish I could flirt like big brother. Suddenly, Cathy steps on something and she slips.

" Fl.. Florence!! " I grab her hand . Well, this is my time.. I am still holding her hand maybe I won't let go.

" Are you ok?? " I ask her.

" Yea..I am fine.. " she looks at our holding hands and blushes a little. However, no matter how much I wanna hold her hands, if it makes her uncomfortable, I don't wanna force doing it.

" Ah. I am sorry.. " I let go of her hand but to my surprise, she grabs my hand and doesn't let it go.

" Actually, I don't mind it.. You like the touch of it, right? " she smiles slightly and it makes me remember when I accidently touched Cathy's hand back in the first life while we were sitting together, sharing a textbook. She used to say the same thing back then, too.

" Well,.. " I hold back her hands and now we are walking, holding each other's hand. We both are blushing and we don't talk.. Then, finally, we reach her house.

" Oh we have reached here.. " I let go of her hands and waves at her as she walks towards her gate.

" Bye, Liam!! See you tomorrow at school! " she says .

" Bye. I can't wait to say happy birthday to you! See ya! " She goes inside her house and I continue my way to my house. I can't believe we were holding hands the whole way to her house. It would be nice if she feels the same way as I do, too.. Anyway, I rush home, knowing that Emily will be waiting for me at the door. 

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