Chapter 26 ( Cathy ..)

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I wake up.. I am in Doctor Louis's room. Where is he?? 

Oh there he is..  typing something on his laptop. I go near it and peek. To my surprise, he is writing how he felt sorry for Big brother's death. But what more surprising is that he has big brother's pictures.. Maybe from his Facebook profile.. or whatever I can see Doctor Louis really cares about him. I glance at the window.. Doctor Louis lives in an apartment and it has a very big glass wall where I can see what is happening outside. At night, it has a very nice view from here as I can clearly see the streets lights. It is Autumn.. A season I like the most yet a season that always hurts me and tears me a part. I turn around as I hear Doctor Louis opening the door. I need to follow him , too. I can say that he is heading to Cathy. 

A few minutes later... 

We reach at the mental hospital. I have never been here..  have never imagined visiting my crush here. I wonder what else will happen... 

I walk along with Doctor Louis. He still has the sad look in his face but before we enter Cathy's room, he makes up his face and acts as if he is happy to see Cathy. 

" Hey! Are you doing fine, Miss Cathy?? " He asks. 

Cathy doesn't reply. She is sitting in a dark corner, holding something with tears in her eyes. I walk towards her and sits down beside her. Then, I realize that she is actually crying quietly. In her hands is a book.. a book.. 

" A Fated Autumn " That book I gave her on her birthday. Maybe she asks someone to bring it to her? I don't know why does it get here but she is turning the pages slowly , whispering my name.. both Kathleen and Juliet. Seems like her last memories are me telling her the truth and Kathleen lying in the middle of the road in blood. She also whispers big brother's name. 

" Miss Cathy?? Hi again . Do you remember me?? I am Louis, your big brother. " Doctor Louis tries to sound cool and introduce himself. 

" Louis.. " Cathy speaks , finally. 

" Yes , I am Louis. Are you doing fine? " He asks again. 

" Imm. . umm... " Cathy starts to move. She hands him the book and shows a gesture to make him sit beside her. I stand up and sit in front of Cathy. 

" What do you want me to do, Cathy?" Doctor Louis takes the book from Cathy's hand and sits beside her. 

" Read .. Read it for me.. " Cathy is asking Doctor Louis to read the story to her. 

" Oh you want me to read it?? " 

Cathy nods. 

" Sure Cathy. Big brother will read it for you, ok?? " My heart sinks for a while.. Big brother once read me a story ,too. And I really had a great time with him. He was so kind .. 

" The weather is very fantastic today.  Her hair is flying in the wind.. So beautiful. As she turns around, I see her beautiful face, sparkling eyes and a warming smile just like the sun shines."  

Doctor Louis reads out the sentences from the book. Cathy is really having fun with it. She then lies her head on Doctor Louis 's shoulder and falls asleep. If I could take a picture, it would really be nice. The room is filled with a warm breeze , the sunlight is shining over both of them. The room is dark but that warm sunlight keeps them beautiful. A sister is sleeping on her big brother's shoulder.  The big brother is reading his sister a book. They both wear a satisfied smile. Of course, it is sad that Cathy is in this condition but I think actually, it brings them together. They both gets to spend time together .. I am sure they are feeling good right now. Even if the world is ending, being beside your loved one is like a heaven..  Heaven.. I hope big brother is there. I miss him so much.. I miss him. I have cried many times.. but even a million cries won't bring him back. Maybe, in another life, big brother. 

When I look at Cathy and Doctor Louis again, they both have fallen asleep. Now, I am alone.. No, I am always alone, right?? These feelings.. they are only kept inside me. I have never really tell anyone about that. I hope I could clean my tears and feeling out to someone but no, it is not gonna happen. I , myself, my mind is the only person that knows a lot about me. 

Cathy's room is filled with many papers.., photos of our family. Some papers are full with my names and big brother's name. Cathy has to suffer , too , huh? Big brother wasn't free from pain either. Doctor Louis , too.  

Doctor Louis starts moving again. He let go of Cathy and make her lie still in the corner. He then puts the book beside Cathy. Takes out a sticky note from his wallet and write.. 

"Big brother is out for lunch.  I promise I will read you another chapter when I come back. ;)"

He sticks it on the book and reaches for the door . I stay with Cathy. 

" Cathy... I know you can't hear me.. I just wanna say that I love you so much. " I try to kiss her on her forehead but it is not working, of course not. I am just a spirit after all. Suddenly, Cathy moves. She then gets up and goes near the window and looks up to the sky. She smiles and laughs at the same time. 

" Hahaha! HAHAHAAHH!! " Then, her tears fall down. Why all of a sudden??? Is this called mental breakdown?? Is that why Doctor Louis says she has mental issues? 

Cathy starts to hold the barred window and hits her head with it until her head bleeds. This is not right. Cathy has really gone insane. I need to call a doctor . I know I can't but I shout. 

" Someone!! HELP!! " I go and shout outside the door. I can go through walls and I shout it in the hallway. Suddenly a kid with a teddy bear in his hands runs away and he comes back with a security and some nurses. 

They then settle Cathy down and inject her a Diazepam , which is an injection used to treat anxiety and settling down. Cathy is ok now. She falls asleep. 

I turn around to thanks the kid. 

" Thanks a lot! " 

He says.. " It is alright! " . 

I smile at him but .. he can't see me can he?? I mean I am a ghost. It is impossible for him to see me. 

" Wait... You can see me?? You can hear me?? " 

" Yeah , why?? " 

Am I not dead yet???  

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