Chapter 24 ( A blink of an eye.. )

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" Today , Mommy will be following, too!! " Cathy says in a happy tone.

" Yayy!!! I love mommy ! " I shout and jump in joy.

" Yup. And also we will be stopping by the donut shop! Mommy didn't cook for us today... " big brother says in a sad tone with a frown but I know he is just joking.

" Oh, darling.. Sorry about that but isn't it fun having breakfast in the best donut shop in out town together on a day like this ?? " Cathy says and winks at me. It is because of the word " The best donut shop "....

" YES!! Kathleen loves it !! Let's go , Daddy! " I say as we get on the car.

We soon reach the donut shop. Luckily, there are not a lot of people so we don't need to wait for a long time.

" My dear princess, you will have a chocolate flavor one , right?? " Big brother smiles at me and asks.

" Yes Daddy! " I sit with Cathy and she asks me...

" Hey , Kathleen.. Shall we go and meet grandpa and grandma today ? "

" Sounds good, Mommy! I wanna meet grandpa and also Kathleen wanna eat the noodles that grandma makes! "

" Okok , dear. Let's go there after school then! "

" What are you two talking about? " big brother is back with the donuts.

" Yaayy the donuts!!! " I clap and start taking my favourite one.

" We are thinking about going to your parents' house today, hun ! "

" That's great . Let's go after school then!! " big brother seems to be very happy about it.

School , huh?? I wonder how I would face Alvy today. He was hella creepy yesterday. To be honest, I don't even want to go to school today.. I have a bad feeling about it.

Anyway.. I am also thinking about something..

I want both big brother and Cathy to know that I am Juliet.. I want to tell them the truth. It doesn't mean being their daughter is bad but for someone like me, who feel things very emotionally, it never feels right. And about big brother, I think it is best to let him know because he is always feeling sad whenever he thinks of me. This kind of confession couldn't go wrong , right? Okay! Maybe I will give them a little hint on the way to school. Hehe~

On the way to school... It starts to rain so heavily..

I already decided to tell them the truth or give them a hint but I am about to reach the school and I haven't said a thing yet. There it is.. I can even see the school gate now.

Soon... big brother stops the car and it is time for me to get off. I feel so anxious.. I wanna tell them something.. maybe things that I want to tell them for a long time.. Here I go..

" Dear! Let's go. " big brother unfasten his seat belt.

" Kathleen, Mommy won't follow to the school gate .. Mommy will be waving from here, ok? Turn around when you reach there! "

Big brother is about to open the car door .... but I wanna say it ... I have to SAY it...

" Wait...... Wait.. BIG BROTHER!!!! " I call him , finally!! Big brother stops for a while and sits down ..

" What? WHAT DID YOU SAY, KATHLEEN?? " He seems so surprised..

" I have always wanted to call you like that, big brother... " I say.

" Ju.. JULIET?? " he is so amazed!

" Mn! " I smile.

" Juliet??? " Cathy's voice makes me wanna talk to her , too.

" Cathy!!!!! " I hug her.

" This is not a dream, is it??? " Cathy says in a happy voice.

" Cathy, please wear the matching bracelet I gave you, ok??? "

" ..... . "

" I ...... " I am about to say I love her but no, I can't say it right now. . And even if I say it, she will just think that I love her as a friend...

However, I am happy! I am so happy that I could tell them the truth.... ! I don't hesitate to open my car door and run across the road when..

WHEN I HEAR A TRUCK HORN " * Peeeeeeeeeeeee * "

But I feel someone hug me and it is BIG BROTHER!!

He covers for me but the truck hits us and now we are both in the air... I am in big brother's arm. All I can see clearly is that big brother eyes widen for a while but then he smiles and his tears fall out...

In a blink of an eye, our bodies touch the ground and hit hardly. I don't know about me but big brother's head is bleeding... Just.. just like the fire dream I had years ago. .

He coughs but then try to say something..

"Juliet.... *coughs* tha.. thanks for coming back.... " and then he smile cheerfully... THAT SMILE ALWAYS GETS ON MY NERVES! Especially when big brother is painful but doesn't want me to worry about it...

" Big brother!!! " I call out his name but..... he is just lying there and he doesn't move.. His eyes are closed but his smile is still there..

I reach out my hand to wake him up but I myself feel unconscious.. I don't know where does it hurt but I can see the blood in my hands.. I feel so painful.. but I can't give up, this time I have to live for big brother.. I can't sleep now. I don't wanna close my eyes yet.. But no matter how hard I try to keep my eyes open, I know that I can't manage ... I look around for a while and what I see are Doctor Louis running towards big brother and Cathy shouting , crying and running towards us..

I wish at least, even if I don't wake up again, I want big brother to live... ....

WHY?? Why are bad things always happening to me? I don't deserve them , do I? I just told them the truth! Just let me get a chance to stay with them in a form of Juliet... for a little while.... just a little..

Am I never gonna get happiness again ?? Am I not fated to enjoy life with my loved ones??? Can I not be with them ? Are we not meant to be together?

At least, can you tell me reason why is this happening to me??

" Daddy loves Aunty Juliet a lot.. Whenever daddy tries to play guitar, it reminds me of Aunty Juliet. Aunty Juliet is so kind and lovely, I bet you will love her if you got a chance to meet her, Kathleen! "

" Aunty Juliet is my bestfriend, Kathleen. I could've spend more time with her. If I have a chance to go back in time, I would be very happy and hug her tightly... "

" I love Juliet.. I love her a lot but I couldn't save her. Are you perhaps Juliet?? You really know so much when it comes to your daddy. "

Those memories try to keep me awake.. I want to be with them... Please!!!!

However, my eyes close and also this time, I fall into a deep sleep but I wonder...

Will big brother be able to wake me up again??? 

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