Chapter 33 ( Makes sense.. )

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The girls and us part ways and now we reach our houses. 

" Big brother, welcome home! " As soon as I open the door, Emily runs towards me and hugs me. 

" Thanks, Emily! But I told you not to run, right?? " I pat her head and she takes my bag. My schoolbag is kinda heavy and of course it is big for her but still she tries to carry it all the way to the kitchen. 

" Ah.. big brother's bag is heavy... " she sighs and sits down on a chair. 

" My bad, princess. You carry it all the way here. It is bad for your heart. You are tired, right?? " I give her a glass of water on the table . She drinks it . 

" Emily is feeling so much better. Thanks to you, big brother. " she says. 

" My pleasure, princess. Now, please allow me to take a bath. I will come back, princess. " I say as I head upstairs to my room. 

" Hi there , Mom! I am home! " I greet mom on my way to upstairs. 

" Oh hello, honey! Welcome home! Let's have dinner after you have taken bath, alright?? " she says. 

" Sure , Mom. I 'll hurry. " I run upstairs as I say it. 

" No, it's ok.. Take your time! " she says but I am already in my room. I take bath quickly and have dinner downstairs with my family. After that, I feel like studying so I go back to my room and do my homework. 

" *Pss* Hey there, Liam!! " I hear big brother's calling me for me so I go near the window. 

" Hi there, Will. What's up?? " I reply. 

 " Nothing much... What are you doing right now? " he asks. 

" Homework .. but I am most likely to finish it. " I answer back. 

" Feel like taking a break and chatting with me ? " he asks. 

" Sure. I guess I can do that. So yeah. What's that you wanna talk about?? " I ask. 

" Dreams... " his face turns into a frown very quickly. 

" Dreams?? Why? You mean nightmares? " I ask with full of curiosity. 

" Not a nightmare but ... something that bothers me.. " he says. 

" Like?? Spit it out, man. " I say. 

" The dream is like a deja vu'. You know? Like.. In the dream, I was having fun with a couple of people.. a lady and a little girl, to be exact. It is a dream but I think I have felt or experienced it. Although, I still can't figure out who they are. They are just familiar but I can say I have never met them in real life. It is confusing.. " he says. 

I see. Big brother's past memories might be flying all over him at night.. 

" That's strange, don't you think? So what were you doing back then in the dream?? " I ask. 

" As I told you, I was having fun like eating and laughing .. but then I heard a car horn.. or something like that and I woke up. Actually, this is not the first time. I am having the same dream for about five times. " 

" Ah.. that's bad. I can relate.. You should have told me earlier about this! Why would you keep all of these from me for quite a long time, huh?? " I tell him. 

" Heh? You'd better be my mother ! " he teases me. 

" No thanks. I don't want to babysit you, Will. That would be a tiring work. " I shake my head and say. 

" Haha! I know right? " he smiles. 

* Cling * 

It is like a notification from someone's phone. But not mine. 

" It must be yours, Will.. "  I say. 

" Yeah yeah. " he picks up his phone which is right in his pocket. 

" Wow, wow. Wait a minute. I don't think I am in a dream, right? " he asks me while looking though his phone , typing something. 

" This is not a dream. Who is the text from?? " I ask. 

" The tsundere! " 

" Huh?? " I don't quite get it but I think it is from Scarlett.. 

" Scarlett! She says she wants the photos that I took earlier today. " he says, still typing. 

" You mean .. photos of her? " I ask. 

" Yup! What else could it be.?? However, I am gonna be teasing her. " he says, grinning. 

" Man, don't involve with girls that much. Women are scary. " I say. 

" You jealous, dude?? " 

" Am not! " 

" Haha. " he laughs. 

" Huh! This is boring. You are gonna be just paying attention there. I better go do my homework." I act annoyed because he really is not paying attention to me. 

" Come on! Just a minute. Don't worry, I am gonna be paying attention to you later. " 

" Fine. Whatever.. what is going on there? " 

" I am doing a bit of blackmail here. She says she wants the photos. So I say.. I will send all of her photo if she calls me big brother for a month. " he says, making an evil smile. 

" Ah.. Don't be that mean! " I say. 

" Haha. Okay okay.. she is rejecting but of course I am not gonna be sending her photos if she refuses so I can say she will agree. But for now, I am gonna be ignoring her for a bit. "

" Ah... " Well, I now can confirm that big brother and Doctor Louis changed roles. Back in my first life when I was in hospital, Doctor Louis made big brother call him " Big brother Louis" and he did call him that.. ahaha. I can't wait to hear it from Doctor Louis.. Serves him right! He had so much fun teasing big brother back then. I won't take a blame on big brother! 

" Talking about girls, I wanna ask you something, Liam. " big brother says. 

" Go ahead. " 

" What do you think of Scarlett and Florence? " he asks. 

" They are normal. Scarlett is tough as usual and Florence, she is nice. " I say. I don't really open up to him that much... still, I know that Florence is Cathy and these days, I am gonna try to get in touch with her.  I am not gonna let her go again.. 

" You are so boring.. , man. " 

" Ah.. Don't say that! " 

" Bruhh.. * Cling * Oh! It's Scarlett!! Guess what?? She agrees to call me big brother, finally.. " 

" Huh? That easy?? " 

" No no. She was actually very fired up earlier.. Maybe she wants her photo that bad! " 

" So are you gonna send her now? " I ask. 

" Of course not. I am not that silly. I am gonna hear her call me " big brother" and I am only gonna be sending her photos after a month! " he says. 

" Seems like you really want to hear her call you like that.. " I say with an annoyed tone. 

" Maybe.  She is interesting , man. And right from the start, I think I am into her. .. " 

A Fated Autumn*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora