Chapter 1 ( Great Days )

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Sep.25.2020 , 6:00 ( Friday)

It is morning again.. *yawn*

I had a very bad dream. Not only today, I have nightmares very often. And sometimes those nightmares come true.., which is a bad thing. In this dream, I was at school.. I saw Cathy with her friend from another class. They were crossing the road together when the truck suddenly crash into them! 


 Yeah, like that sound.. wait what???? That screech is from outside , not from my imagination! I guess it is nothing bad.. I slowly open the window of my bedroom. A cold wind passes through my short bed hair. Well, just a car crashed into the trash bin. Nothing really matters if it isn't about my loved ones. Anyway, it is time to get up.

Such a cold day, I feel like staying in bed the whole day...* yawn* The water must be cold, too. Ahh, I should prepare fast so that I could get to the school earlier.. Not because I want to study but because I want to meet Cathy. She usually appears earlier at school, studying or reading in the library. So hardworking...

  I feel bad entering my own bathroom as if something bad is waiting for me in the dark. Maybe I should switch on the lights first. The light is on, nothing is inside, not even a single insect. What is it near my slippers?? A black thing moving .. like a cockroach.. WHAT? A COCKROACH???? 

I am right, it is a COCKROACH!!!! What a very scary thing.. I hate it, I am scared of it. Somebody please help!! That is why I thought something bad is inside.

" Mom! Let me use the bathroom in the kitchen, there is a monster inside mine!" I shout.  "Okay..Okay, dear. Meet a cockroach again?" she asks while smiling. 

" Of course . What else could it be. " I answer with a boring tone. As expected , the water is cold as ice. How strange, this is autumn , not winter but it is as cold as winter. Whatever, I can't go to school without taking bath. 

A few minutes later..... 

I find myself standing in front of a mirror with my school uniform. I have got a short black hair. And hazel eyes which looks cool ... to myself of course. My height is about 5' 6" currently. Cathy must be somewhere in between 5'5" and 5'6" . But she is quite shorter than me . Anyway, I am starving .... 

After Breakfast...

"Mom. Breakfast is delicious." I compliment mom.

 " well, I cook that " , my dad interrupts. Oh yeah, my dad is better at cooking sometimes. I start clapping as my dad smiles . 

" Where is big brother??" 

 " He is off earlier today. He said he has to practice with his band" mom answers.  

" Ok then, I am off to school . See you soon!". My parents are left waving behind. 

Brett , my big brother is in the third year of high school. He is so much into music and he works in a band which is gathered by his classmates . We go to the same school. Unlike me, Brett has blue eyes and shoulder length blond hair which looks cool for such a guitarist. Whatever, I could never reach his height and he treats me like a small living thing on earth. He is 6 feet tall and that height attracts the girls from our high school. Well, the good thing is that he never accepts the confessions or love letters from the school. So I don't always have to let any girls inside his room. I t is cool that I could mess his things up there whenever I am mad at him. 

The high school is not far from my house. It is just around the corner of the main road. I could reach there in any minutes. It is huge and I could get a nice view from the rooftop ! Well, if the doors aren't locked of course... What a nice autumn, the yellow leaves are falling as if they are welcoming warmly. I could feel a bright and warm sunlight shining down on my face as I look up the tree. I wish something good happen today.. Luckily, I find myself walking behind Cathy who is walking alone , rushing to the school's library with the unreturned books in her hands...

" Ohiyo! Let me carry those for you, Cathy " I reach out my hands to help her carry the books.

" Immm.. Ohiyo , Thx for your help ." She likes it when I greet her in that Japanese way because she is currently attending Japanese speaking class and wanna use it as a casual language. Her eyes sparkle even in the sunlight. Her pinky lips always looking cute. And her hair, falling perfectly on her sweet oval face.. I can't get enough, I wanna hug her tight and kiss her badly .. every part of her face ~ Lips, nose, cheeks, chin, forehead, eyes...  ahhhh I can't help myself but no, not this time , I can't do it right here ... She might not even like it . 

Oh Cathy~~ It is not gonna be my fault if your face appears in my dream tonight, but then, I am not gonna let go , okay??? Hehe--  Hope I didn't say it out loud... 

" Hm? Juliet? What is making you smile all the way , huh?? " Cathy asked . 

Actually , you are the reason, Darling! 

" No, nothing really ! Just thought of a funny joke. "  I lie of course .. 

" Really ? Which joke?? I wanna hear too!! " 

  Nope nope, not happening !

 " Ah, it is not that funny , just forget"

" Juliet ! Tell me , please????? " her curiosity won't stop at this rate . What I could do now is thought of a joke .. ah yes! That joke I heard yesterday.. what was that??...

" Oh OK..  Once, a judge asked a wife ; " Why did you hit your husband with a chair ?? " 

And the wife answered ; " It's because I couldn't lift a table, sir! " "

" AHAHAHAHAHA, I get it .. hahaha " Cathy giggles , those giggles are so cute that could melt my heart.. It would be so nice if I could hear them everyday..... That joke is not even funny at all.

" Right ! " I agree. I can't take my eyes off her laugh, smiles and her face... 

OH Cathy! Always shining .. even brighter than the sun. 

A Fated Autumn*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن