Chapter 29 ( William and I )

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I knew it! I knew that William is big brother. Everything is just so familiar. 

" Haha , ok buddy! " I haven't let go of him yet but he hugs me back. I feel like big brother is hugging me. Wow, I am so happy! My eyes become teary but I try to look up not to let the tears fall down. Then, I slowly let go of him. 

" Sorry, um.. I " I don't know which excuse shall I give him. 

" It is totally fine! Let's play together tomorrow! " he answers with a happy smile. 

" Deal! " I am so glad to be close with him again. 

" Ok then, please excuse us! " William's mom says. 

" Sure. See you soon! " Mom answers and we wave them goodbye as we watch them leave. 

Then, mom closes the door. I run upstairs and lock my room and finally burst into tears of joy. I glance at big brother's house. Actually, the window of my room and his room are side by side. Our houses are too close.  I mean , we can see each other just by opening the window. We can even give things through the window. I can see his room. The room is just like mine but his is full of Music posters. I am not surprised about it because big brother loves music. 

" Liam!! Let's have dinner! " I reach to the door as I hear mom calling me from downstairs. But before I open the door, I see myself in the mirror. I step back and look at myself. My appearance is way too different from the last two lives. I have a short blonde hair and dark eyes. My height is average as a kid but you can call it a bit tall , too. There is nothing really remarkable on my face like a mole or something but I look fine. 

" Coming, mom! " Then, I open the door and head straight to the kitchen. 


The next day.. 

" Did you sleep well, big brother? " Emily asks me as I head into the kitchen. 

" Imm. I slept well. What about you, princess? " Actually, I don't quite sleep well because of big brother. I was just too happy. And I glance at his room from time to time. All I could see was that he played games and went straight to bed. 

" I slept well , too, big brother. " Emily answers. 

" Cute as usual. " I bend down a little and kiss her on her forehead. Then, I clean myself, have breakfast and play games in my room. Emily is busy with mom. 

In the middle of the game, I heard someone call my name from somewhere but I am sure it is not mom . So I end the game and go to the window because I think it is big brother who is calling me. 

" Hey! Liam!! Over here! " Yes, it is big brother. 

" Oh , hi there, William! " I open the window and wave back at him.

" Hmm.. Our names are similar huh? Why don't you just call me Will? But of course, I will still call you Liam. " He smiles. 

" Oh ok then, Will. " 

" So what are you doing at the moment? " 

" Playing games. " 

" Wow really?? I like games , too. What else do you like to do? " 

" Um.. " I think for a while. Actually , nothing is not that interesting for me in particular. Maybe, I will just mention Music, which is his favourite. 

" I quite like Music, too. " 

" REALLY? Me too! I am even planning to learn playing guitar in a few months. " 

I knew he would like to talk about that topic. 

" Wow, That's nice, man! " I say. 

" By the way, which school do you attend? " 

" Albert Private School . It is near here. But it is closed for a while because I am gonna be attending another term next month. So I am free these days. " 

" Nice! We can play together somedays. Talking like this is fun,too. " He says. 

" How about you? Which school are you gonna be attending next month? " 

" Same with yours! " he winks at me. 

" That's cool. " 

" So what is your favourite band? " He asks. 

" The Beat" I answer. It is big brother's band after all. 

" Oh I know that one. It is too old. But it is no longer playing, right? Two of the members are dead. " He knows it. 

" Yea, too bad. But I like their songs. " I say. 

"  Yeah, me too. Especially 'The Blue Crack' . No matter how many times I have listened, it is still good. That songs is kinda nostalgic to me. Don't know why though. " he says. 

" I agree. What do you think of the guitarist, Brett? " 

" Uh. That man is the reason why I am gonna learn guitar, actually. I once saw his music live which is broadcasted many years ago . My grandpa really likes that band. And when I saw Brett playing guitar, it inspires me. I mean I can see his passion all thorough his work. " 

" Oh.. really? That's good for you. I didn't expect you to like such very old band! " 

" Haha. " he laughs. " It is me, anyway. Things can be very unexpected ! " 

Huh.. I wish he remembers his past life but that one is sad.. 

" What about you , huh! You also like that old band! " He says. 

" Oh yeah... " 

" Does your grandpa likes it, too? " he asks. 

" Well.... " Honestly, none of the members in my family likes music that much. And I answer it is the band I like because I only know that one and also I want to see how he would react. 

" Hmm?? " 

" Yes.. My grandpa likes it, too. " I answer. It is obvious that I am lying but he doesn't really seem to notice at all. 

" Oh I see. Hey hey, tell me. " 

"  Hmm?? " 

His eyes sparkle and he leans forward and whispers. 

" Do you believe in things like reincarnation??? " 

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